Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ze song


See the streets darken by night
See the clouds turn out the light
But the steps do lead somewhere
The footprints are always there
All the dreams are here to stay
When hope has lost its way
And I'll beeeee there
You know you want me too...
You know you do!

See the mind ferment the thoughts
See the ambitions rot
But the nag doesn't resolve itself
Conscience never sleeps
And the drain is clogged again
The force unbearable when
Yet the game has begun
Alongside I shall run
You know you want me too...
You know you do!

See the white ribbon, the finish line
See the purity, tranquility, divine
But do not force the exit
Bliss ain't thy name but for someone it is
Te sun may not shine through
But the shadows might even out
And I'll wait for you, I'll wait, I'll wait, I will.
And I'll be there to cut the fall for you,
I once fell too...

love n luck

11th August, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

ze colors


The colors,
They inspire us,
They call out to us,
All to see the world differently.

The sounds,
They shout louder so we can hear them,
Yelling, one more vocal than the other,
All to hear the world differently.

Music, art, tunes, scenes,
It's never what you see or hear is it?
Do you hear me now?
Do you see?

Look deep...
A little further,
Make a wish,
Picturesque and loud,
Now let it float and develop dreams of it's own.

Just as a bottle sails the seas for centuries,
And fish swim forever,
Let it go,
If it returns, it's yours,
If it doesn't, it never was.

Determination, motivation,
Self-belief, self-confidence,
Or maybe just hope in humanity.
Do you hear me?
I love you too!

love n luck

22nd August, 2009

ze big bad world doesn’t owe you a thing

Some call it sick, I call it weak

The color drains
The faces fade
The leaves fall
Doesn’t everyone leave…?
One and all

It’s not now that it once was
There’s always a start
But maybe that isn’t the dawn that’s to come
Doesn’t’ everyone leave?
One and all

Keep on running
Keep on running
Learn to be still
Doesn’t everyone leave?
One and all

And just before the fall
One of these nights
One of these crazier days
When the wicked world is just too nefarious
And you’re just so far out of reach
I’m at home with the feeling
But why does it surprise me every time you go away

And I’ll still be here
Waiting, that’s what I do
Just wait for you.

Every time you go away
Every time you go away
Every time you go

I love you
I miss you
It’s what you taught me
I want to disappear too
That you left me illiterate to
It’s what you did to my soul

love n luck

Saturday, August 22, 2009

ze masochism

Let Her Go.

I guess it's just me being honest more than anything else, I just don't want to waste anyone's time.

It's really hard to give up things that you really want, but know that they are better left untouched and unknown.
I would give you everything if I knew how, if I had anything left to give.

I'm still just waiting to be swept off my feet.

To ler her go, ler her go
Let her fall let her fly
She wants to touch the world with her own hands
Let her go, let her go
Let her love and let her cry
If you trust her soon you both will understand
She'll come back home if you let her go

Going back and forth inside my shut up brain again
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)
Worlds apart, I'm torn apart, I'll stall up my senses
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)
Somehow through it all we've become defenseless
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)
I'm living this lie and I can't pretend
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)

And I know I'll get that feeling when we meet again
And I know I will be stronger in the end

I think I'm gonna lose my mind
'Cause I don't wanna say goodbye [x2]

Now we realize the compromises you and I
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)
You fell from heaven to heartbreak in the blink of an eye

Why don't you just keep it real
Let her know just how you feel
If you love her let her go, her go
When you met her it was good
You did everything you could
If you love her let her go, her go

You were her only girl
The most precious thing in her world
And I know it makes you cry
That you never got to say goodbye

You were just running out of time
To say what was on your mind
You never wanted her to leave
And mom I know it makes you grief

But why don't you celebrate the moments that you shared yeah
'Cuz now she's watching over you
It's true
And you know it too

Just let her go...
If you can't take the pain
Of a broken heart
Just let her go...

Another sleepless night
I'm still starin' at the ceiling
I can hear him fighting
With her for no good reason
Will this ever end?
Will this house be a home again?

If I had my way
I'd corner him and say
Put yourself in her position
All she needs is recognition
Love's not enough when you say it
Don't you know you've gotta mean it
Screwing up the best thing ever
Is something you'll regret forever

Another day goes by and nothing changed
He's still the same
I can hear her cryin
Thinking she's the one to blame
Will this ever end?
Will this house be a home again?

When you see love
And you don't know what it is
You might find yourself in fear
To show your heart
But when you feel is
And it's oh, so wonderful
You might find yourself in fear
To let it part, in fear to let it part

So hold her closer when she cries
Hold her closer when she feels
She needs a hand to hold
Someone who'll never let her go again
And hold him closer when he tries
To hold the tears back from his eyes
Don't say goodbye

There's so many things you should have told her
But night after night you're willing to hold her,
Just hold her tears on your shoulder.

There's so many things you should have told her
But night after night you're willing to hold her,
Just hold her tears on your shoulder.

There's so many things you should have told her
But night after night you're willing to hold her,
Just hold her tears on your shoulder.

love n luck

Friday, August 14, 2009

ze isle

There's a whole world off this island.
All it takes is one long swim

too start over.

love n luck

Thursday, August 13, 2009

ze hope

Too many good things happening
to waste a second of it.

"Someday I'll meet you on a telephone wire
Won't have to love you through a prayer
I can just touch you with my eyes
And we will talk about the world just as if we were still alive
And you will rest within my feathers
And I will take you for the keeping"

love n luck

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ze blog

someday someone is going to walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked put with anyone else

Sunday, August 9, 2009

ze signout

well... yeah read the title... its not a mistake cuz I'm referring to it yet again!!!!! yeah i wont be writing here for a lil while.... not exactly that i don wan to..... just that i feel like writing but i have nothing much to say an even if i do its like just not me.... i don exactly feel like myself anymore.... i don feel like the me i technically am and neither do i feel like the me i used to try to be..... or maybe this is the real me.... I'm not sure of that either!!!!

for now its more or less just change an ignorance..... am maybe i don feel like me too because people i used to know appear different themselves also..... maybe its just them who have changed and i feel like its me because the people i know usually tend to be a big part of me.... its like even the way i expect someone to react to something i say or do or feel or think is miles away from how they actually perceive it themselves!!!!

shit happens.... we move on yeah.... well i guess not right now at least.... I'm waiting for the void to completely set in.... for the world to entirely block itself out.... for the shadow to overwhelm yet again..... for the peaceful retreat out of reality.....

as i said.... i come in peace, i beg thee, do not block my path, do not try to hypnotize or attempt at convincing me that i have nothing to escape from.... do not be afraid, for i shall return again.... maybe mightier or just simply rested.... the sabbatical shall cease.... but til then.... allow me to walk in the valley of the shadows i do not fear but hope to embrace by the stream of hope..... everlasting.... ever living..... immortal....... fiction..............................

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ze statement

sometimes our last hope is it vibrating!

love n luck

Thursday, June 11, 2009

ze ring

make me beautiful...

a perfect soul
a perfect mind
a perfect face

a perfect lie!

love n luck

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ze symphony, part II substitute aka 'ze view'

Windows are the doors to your soul is it... well my windows don't reflect the outside world anymore, they shine my face back to me. Not the trees, the cars, the moon very rarely but occasionally or the stillness of the night. I miss that. I wonder what christmas will look like.

I used to adore sleeping on the couch in the hall looking through the window at whatsoever was visible. Also lving in Bombay it is a little difficult to live life simple. Well guess that just proves itself. Yes we have got anti-reflection coat6ing on our windows so that the heat of the sun doesn't screw us right over. Its amazing considering we have lived here since the start of the millennium and about a decade later even though no one has died of the heat ever since we have decided that we need anti-reflection coating on our windows. So now everytime I look at the window it either reminds me about how depressed im feeling or how undressed I looked. And usually I would not care a damn. But when things are shoved in your face every waking hour it tends to get a bit annoying. I hope at least it loses its effect when the light goes of. Everything stops shinning. The facade has to come off sometime. The mask has to fall to the floor. Will we ever be the same again? What we used to be a little while ago when we had everything all nicely and neatly planned and figured out, is it all lost, childhood memories? What will make us happy?

Ps. I dont sleep on the couch in the hall anymore. I've been shifted to the bedroom which for the record is a tiny bit bigger than my hostel room and has 1 bed extra comparatively.

Love n luck

Monday, June 8, 2009

ze past

Almost each and every one of us has something in the past which frequently pops up out of nowhere, straight out of the blue. Something that haunts us. Something that once happened that caught our attention to such an extent that it makes sure we never forget it. Maybe a recurring dream, a nightmare that is, or a reminder every time we do something, or the flash backs every time we go somewhere. It maybe the unknown which gets to us even more as we don't know what we are dealing with. Or it maybe the stark memory we would like to not recall. Surprisingly, whatsoever it maybe, head on collision is the only thing known to undo it. The few other time that we come across head on collisions are then when nuclear atoms are bombarded with a neutron and large amounts of energy is obtained by the mass difference. And an other time is when, anti matter and matter collide and energy is absorbed leaving a vacuum. Then again elastic or not or perfectly.

Besides straight confrontation, there are also the various therapy processes that help you heal yourself. Spiritual, hypnotic or prescription therapeutic. But then again, there are dreams, reality. Virtual and illusionary. And there is the past, present and future. And there is life, ever moving, never stagnant or stationary.

Time wont let you down.

Love n luck

ze ambition and getting over it

Is it just high school when we are all idealists, all innate high aspirations? People we want to be. Places we want to go. Changes we are certain we will definitely ensure happen. It is that time when there are things we stand up for and others we protest about. Even if they are small incidents in school, we are vocal about it. Even if just amongst ourselves, we have an opinion. And then what happens? When do we start becoming indifferent?

As we grow up, we let go of most things as mere childhood dreams and insanity. A play world where we could conjure castles from sand-pits and believe that storks gifted babies from above. Yes we were a little insane then but what about when we learned of abortion, euthanasia, human trafficking, global warming and had things to say about it. We all tried our small ways. Not burning crackers, separating garbage, to do what we thought could change the world. So when did we finally decide that it was all a fable? When did we lose hope?

When we graduate we are still inspiration ridden. We have seen more people succeed than not. Everything through college seemed to prepare us for the world but when we finally enter it, the hidden images no one ever talked about. The lack of integrity, dignity, and humanity. The rat race was always familiar but its extent is now thrust upon us with an unbearable force and the only difference is how long it takes you to give in to the yolk. It is just about the time when you begin to bow your head. Allow the sea to engulf you. Allow the boat to capsize. It is when you give in. You lose yourself. You lose who you are. When we finally let go of our overactive, wide with wonder and imagination and belief that everything works out well and we will all be rich someday and become impending zombies, all for the lack of a dream or someone to be... Will I lose myself somewhere?

Your heart matters, it's what got me here.

Love n luck

Sunday, June 7, 2009

ze mistake

Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), also known as Amputee Identity Disorder, refers to a mental disorder implying a psychological feeling that one would be happier living life as an amputee and is usually, if not always, accompanied by the desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs in order to enact that desire.

Surgeons do not treat BIID patients by giving them what they want. Some act out their desires, pretending they are amputees using prostheses and other tools to ease their desire to be one. Some sufferers resort to self-amputation of a "superfluous" limb, by allowing a train to run over it, or by damaging the limb so badly that surgeons have to amputate it. However, there are few if any cases of actual self amputation of a lower limb recorded. Often the obsession is with one specific limb, and with patients "not feeling complete while they still have that limb". However, BIID does not simply involve amputation. It involves any wish to significantly alter body integrity. Some people suffer from the desire to become paralyzed, blind, deaf, use orthopedic appliances such as leg-braces, etc. Some people spend time pretending they are an amputee by using crutches and wheelchairs at home or in public.

How often does the lack of something make us feel whole? I'm remembering, vaguely if even, a recent quiz on facebook. Yeah I agree they are all more jobless than the other, but whatsoever, this one was on how much you're worth. One of the questions were: 'Would you cut off you're limbs for a million bucks?'. Well I would never be able to dream of life without a finger let alone an entire appendage so a million bucks and I guess even all the riches of the world would never make me do such a thing. Yes, I'm not that shallow after all, who would have thought?

But here, here people are willing to give all the riches in the world to remove a limb. They think it was a mistake. God blessed or cursed them with it unknowingly when they were supposed to not have it. It slipped the creator's mind! Mentally ill they call it. Or maybe just a way out of the box imagination. From when did we decide what is and isn't normal. I guess we have been doing it for a while now, homosexual or bisexual tendencies, superiority of the races, mental stability and intelligence levels, literature interpretations and this is just part of it. Maybe Shakespeare said what he meant and meant what he said. Maybe there is no read between the lines. Maybe we came up with the whole idea just to make it seem more complex and so we would have something to look up to. A legend for all of time. Maybe it's just a very simple truth after all. Just that and nothing else. But now we'll never know will we?

When I was a bit younger I always found it weird when people said that they were sorry when they went to pay their condolences and sympathize with the relatives of the deceased. It always seemed like it wasn't their fault, but why would a sorry help? Yeah true we occasionally apologize for things we haven't dome just to make someone else feel better but even this logic didn't seem to fit the bill.

Do you sympathize with someone who's limb has died? Or is it some form of euthanasia? Or is it out right cold blooded murder? What do you do when it's all over and you realize it's not what you want but then it's a little too late?

Sometimes people's passing away sets you free if they were oppressive of some sort or always the type to keep putting you down that when they finally die you find it a reason to celebrate. So then again, now do you sympathize or rejoice? Mourn or party? And what is the new fashion of appreciating people not alive these days anymore as a means to a more liberal lifestyle?

Love n luck(06.06.2009)

Inspired by ''Nip/Tuck, Season 03, Episode 07 'Ben White' and a little help from Episode 12 'Sal Perri''

Friday, June 5, 2009

ze chance or circumstance

*Chance or circumstance

Yes I really wonder how I managed to fit the two words together in a sentence. And they sound frickin’ amazing together too. Alliteration it is. Yeah just a ‘c’ but still. Yet chance OR circumstance when you say, doesn’t it seem like you are leaving room for nothing else? Isn’t everything in life finally summed up very accurately either by chance or circumstance. Whether you miss a train or manage to make it in the nick of time, I suppose is totally credited to chance, however the very fact that you have to take the train and do not have a chartered flight service at your beck and call, isn’t that circumstance. True that argument may be made that it is also ones personal choice, or the experience that one is looking forward too. Well that is chance and circumstance too. It is chance that you were born into circumstance which has caused you the prior experience that you now look forward too because of a sudden newly acquired freedom.

So when I say that Bombay or Manipal ultimately win over the other by chance or circumstance, and if chance and circumstance is all that there is to the world, yes, I agree through a very narrow minded futile attempt at trying to sum up the complex working of the universe in two words, I could have concluded the sentence at Manipal itself. But maybe there is a reason, an underlying motive to why I decided to stretch it for a few more words. And probably the reason is hope. Aspiration! The prospect of the galaxy being expounded in more than 2 words which have the same end 4 letters! That life and death and everything in the middle is not just a mere rut. The impetus to make you reach for more. The stimulus to drive you further. The impulse.

Could I be the push that makes you move?
-This is not the aforementioned continuation.

Love n luck

Thursday, June 4, 2009

ze zymphony

I would like to consider my life as a fraction of 2 places… me, my likes or the lack of them, my hobbies, even what I eat vary according to these 2 places. And these 2 very distinct groups are further sub-divided according to the amount of people that surround me. And this is solely defined by the mood or mental state I co-exist with as the bane of my subsistence. It’s actually a very clear picture as depicted by still running waters. The under-currents and occasional tempest is not taken into high consideration here at the moment. That we shall just leave for one of those weird aura disposition days. Here we shall just discuss the calm, unruffled train of thought.

Yes the 2 places are home, and college, the almost home away from home. I personally have neither one on top of the other on an ‘I – love – the – most…’ list. In fact they are very stalemate like if they ever choose to compete. One might just win over the other by chance or circumstance*. 2 lives. No just 1. 2 places. True. 2 people. Occasionally, though one parasitic of the other. 2 surroundings. Totally!

The question at the end of this is though, how different are the two from each other anyway? It’s occasionally amazing how both can co-exist from time to time for very brief but conspicuous intervals. For example, the internet, phone conversations, letters etc. Yet at the end of it, the bed you sleep in tells you where you are. Are you where you want to be?

-To be contd.

Love n luck
Inspired by ‘Like The Flowing River, Paulo Coelho’

*explained in next post

Saturday, April 25, 2009

ze me

i am feeling that my relationship with myself, yes however crazy that may sound, is like way way way too dysfunctional... any one with ideas as to how to change that status, pls report as soon as possible.... will be very very very greatly appreciated...

there are things that are known
and there are things that are unknown
and between them there are doors.

what i would give to kno...

love n luck

Monday, April 6, 2009

ze invincible

Out of the night that covers me
Black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not once cried aloud
Under the bulgeness of chance
My head is bloody and unbowed

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find if you're afraid

It matters not how straight the gates
Or charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul


Do not look back at who you were in the past for it is gone, and do not be troubled about the future, for it is yet to come. Live in the present and make it so beautiful that you dreamt about it in the past and remember it in the future...

if only leaving the past behind is that easy... Fate... Overhanging fate...

love n luck

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ze week

i actually had a few things in mind to put up... things i think of bloggin about when they happen or shortly after that kinda thing but now at the moment i am completely blank on that front..... absolutely... completely.... totally... oh and dropped in at home for a while too... showed my face there for a brief period of time.... it was such a change that i kinda fell sick in the bargain too.... some trip back home.... enhanced some relationships... severed some others.... made my dad make the shortest trip to manipal ever in the history of mankind i presume.... and im writin crap so il continue later.... sowie...

love n luck

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

ze scent

Everybody has their own special scent. And each scent has 3 distinct parts technically termed as notes. A top note, a middle note and a base note… most people are only aware of their top notes. How they want to be perceived, their image. The middle layer is a buffer to keep the external highs away from the forbidden lows. Forbidden because its what people are most afraid of, their true selves. Close your eyes so that you can see it all.

love n luck

Friday, March 20, 2009

ze dope

la suite...

I am alone
Not just me
We're alone
Alone forever
And at the end of that forever tunnel up is a wall paper of sky scrappers
I'm thinking after all those beautiful trips
This is one of those bad ones

So ya yesterday n a lil of today affirmed why people shudn do dope... or get out of it as soon as possible.... ya we all think everything we do we have perfect control over... kno wen to start... stop... can regulate time and place or flawless abstinence... that was the basic underlyin princple of basketball diaries.... based on a ture story.. a personal diary narration of and by Jim Carroll.... Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Wahlberg... both basketball players... pretty good game career on the horizon... dope dependancy on the increase... best friend dies of leukemia... pop pills before a game n fall on court... pull out from school and all hope of a future ends there.... from sniffin bag to coke n then intravenous.... mum throws him out... so now all the freedom in d world.... pickpockets, steals cars, break-in robbery, partially the cause of a guys death, allows a guy to feel him up n give him a blow job in exchange for 30 bucks, his own mother finally has him arrested...... now thats when he gets clean, whilst livin amongst the best dope u can find.... gets out n gets life back on track.....
By the age of 17, Jim Carroll comleted what would later be known as 'The Basketball Diaries'...
By the age of 22, he published 3 renowned volumes of poetry n later recorded 4 albums...
Presently, lives in New York City, where he continues to write and is an acclaimed poet, musician, novelist and performer...

movie decently graphic, not graphic graphic but enough to convince you that dope isn half the best thing on the planet... brief explanations from him as he narrates diary entries... the on-top-of-the-world first time heroin feelin, the sell almost sex for cash, the pain cursin thru ur veins wen u cant resist not sniffin, when u think that its just a friday night pass time but then its a lil too nice to increase frequency to a tuesday too and then maybe thrice a week, yeah u still have control, u can stop whenever u like, (can u?), the loneliness.......

well i, till now at least din approve of smokin up at least cuz of the whole smoke screws my environment, n dope isn to be endorsed either cuz its primarily illegal.... the above are supposed to be symptoms... i wouldn kno.... maybe i shouldn talk witout experience.... but apparently its smart to learn from your mistakes yet smarter to learn from other peoples mistakes.... but how much those mistakes actually teach would nullify how much of a mistake it is if only you choose to learn.... else its a worthless waste which includes a squander of life and bare existence...

an impendin question.... how many to be Jim Carrolls will we be fortunate or unfortunate to meet durin these 4 years..... all our lifetime will be somethin lik it but im more concerned about now n d people im aware of now..... til today iv never condemned dope so much as now... i might have even considered it a few times.... i hope manipal finds its diversion of that road fast enough for salvation... or maybe tomorrow might never be theirs.....

And I'd give up forever to touch you
'Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
'Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
And you bleed just to know you're alive

And I don't want the world to see me
'Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
Goo Goo Dolls,
Dizzy Up The Girl (1998)

love n luck

Thursday, March 19, 2009

ze basketball diaries

Little kids shoot marbles
Where branches break the sun
Into graceful shafts of light
I just wanna be pure
Just wanna be pure

If your goin to sniff, you might as well pop it,
If your goin to pop it, you might as well main line!

The rain clears the streets of the silent armies, so we can dance.

Dont let your mouth get u something ur ass cant handle.

love n luck

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ze thoughts

Pretty is in the eye of the beholder… Beauty is in the soul… But you know it when you feel it

Eyes are the reflection of the soul

There’s no fear of the unknown because its all unknown, everything is chance

love n luck

ze evolution

today i have absolutely nothin in mind to write but im still feelin lik writin somethin... a lil on the philosophical side if possible... but lets see what comes naturally... u don try an force anythin.... jus let it take its time... all d time it wants or maybe its just never meant to be..... not exactly on the line of if u love somethin set it free if it returns its yours if it doesn it never was.... not the same logic.... cuz here ur not even sure about what it is to even love it.... your waitin for it to evolve and take its own time.... ur not tryin to speed up anythin.... u have to get somewhere.... many many countless ways to get there.... a short route, a long one.... or maybe one u run thru or another u crawl thru.... so ya take ur time.... u don need to get there in a hurry..... runnin is a waste of energy.... and what if the destination needs u to know what the route includes...??? what if.... when u reach there no ones bothered about how early u are.... what if all they want to kno is how many colours u saw on the way..... consider u ran by, then all u would have noticed is a blur.... ur entire life is now a blur.... n u cant pick things outta a whirlpool.... the speed defines it.... isn a lovely calm, maybe a lil breezy day better then a terror tornado striken emptyness???
hu wants to get up one day and realise their very existence has been absolute crap..... n moreover theyv done all they couldv in their stride to get there as soon as they could n then mayb rest happily ever after... all achieved, but not much that can be done wit it.... worthless... wasted.... maybe they shudv got high on weed once in a while... it would be a more ironically memorable wastedness experience.....

haste makes waste.... somethin we always knew since v wer kids ya.... maybe it din jus end der n it included a way more sophisticated meanin to the whole thin.... n mayb this isn what its implyin either.... but jus mayb it is......

Life, it's ever so strange
Think that you've worked it out then
Right out of the blue, something happens to you
to throw you off course and then you

Break down
Yeah, you break down
Well, don't you break down

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
No need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
Don't be scared, don't hide your eyes
It may feel so real inside, but don't forget
It's just a ride

Truth we don't wanna hear(don't wanna hear)
It's too much to take(too much to take)
Don't like to feel out of control
So we make our plans(we make our plans)
Ten times a day(ten times a day)
And when they don't go our way we

Break down
Yeah, we break down
Well don't you break down

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
No need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
Don't be scared, don't hide your eyes
It may feel so real inside, but don't forget
It's just a ride

Slowly, oh so very slowly
Accept that there's no getting off
So live it, just gotta go with it
'Cuz this ride's never gonna top

Break down
Don't you break down
No need to break down
No need at all because

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
No need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you all around
Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
Don't be scared now, dry your eyes
It may feel so real inside, but don't forget
Enjoy the ride

love n luck

Sunday, March 15, 2009

ze everlastin

Since we kissed the first time
Since we slept on the beach
You were too close for comfort
You were too far out of reach
You walked away, I should have held you
Would you have stayed for me to tell you?

I have always loved you
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh, I have always loved you
Years go by in a matter of days
And though we go separate ways
I never stop dreaming of you
I have always loved you

When you call it makes me cry
We never made time for you and I
If I could live it all again
I'd never let it end, I'd still be with you
Oh God, I miss you

love n luck

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

ze moon

Maybe you cant change a man...

But once in a blue moon,
You can change a woman...

love n luck

Monday, March 2, 2009

ze situation

its been a while.. i hope i haven forgotten how to write... seein an archive of only 4 posts in feb irrespective of the fewer number of days... not nice and not that stuff din happen and even the lack of things happenin is decent to talk about.... yes its been a while, even my keyboard is seeming different.... so i shall update now.....

ongoing revels '09..... gonna be gettin classes off now... nice..... unfortunately most of our half days are den in any case but still somethin.... anythin... better than nothin... can do wit the extra sleep anyday now who cant???

revel's also caused ruchi to miss turtle bay..... totally not worth missin.... unforgettable...she kinda had pre committed dance to attend to.... that was some class outin.... we don do much of em... tho plannin is in progress.... execution has to be highly anticipated and awaited...

no no tutles but a calm calm sea... blue... pure blue water.... like none seen or done before as a reality kinda.... n no we din miss ruchi... i learnt to swim a lil... almost came back by truck... crazy nice bus ride... famished idiots... we ate anything that came our way later... an pretty good cheap chindi stuff did come our way... includin some crazy nice cauli flower fry for lik jus 15 bucks a plate.... twas crazy nice amazin fun... jus not the part wer somewhere on the journey i learnt that we had a crazy stupid idiotic assignment due d next day.... stupidity not d word... hahahaha ruchi missed it... i hope she reads this.... but guess she had a pretty good time on her own... dance isn all dat bad... some decent fun too.... tho she wouldv come had she not been pre committed... poor poor her... next time

see commitments are stupid randomly idiotic not worth it at all kinda thing.... waste... mega waste of time... jobless... pointless... not that i actually have much against commitment ironically but jus if u can do witout it i think u rather shud... better off that way accordin to me.... n i also find t difficult to guarantee anythin... so theen commitment becomes even slightly more difficult than it used to be now don u think so too??? u could like almost commit to anythin.. but don think thats commitment now anymore... it ceases to be....

oh n aaron was here.... at d same time that he was sick....at the same time that der was a blood donation drive... n mayb a lot of other same times wit it.... same time that i had to go to kundapura to bring vines bag i left there... the same time i missed t firs time my class tried a class trip to kaup... kapu... but stil was a nice dee tee saturday evenin.... amazin bus trip... udupi lunch... evenin date at basil.... saiba 6 bucks icecream.... kmc greens... dark roads... moon light... technically all these always enjoyable... always enjoyed... jus seems better to introduce someone knew to the best of life kinda thing.... hope there is a repeat decently soon enough...

battle of d bands almost sucked lik crap.... twas horrid serj tankian wannabes which wer major let downs.... tho battle of d dj's was pretty pretty good... especially d first participant ;) ... n random meet up wit people u almost lose contact wit for no reason in particular is fun too... same goes for valentines i guess... could do it again anyday.... n sky birthday parties.... all 3.. china valley aimlessly... valley view valentines... n sky birthday wer like amazin amazin fun... think dee tee saturday pre birthday can be included here too.... somethings like worth lookin forward too also....

jus btw i was at bangalore for a while... n omg i had d time of my life... mcDs, tasted aaaammmmaaaazzzzziiinnnnnnn... shoppin.... french... climate.... people n d lack of knowin em.... nice lookin guys... nice lookin french guy.... a room to myself.... a room wit a balcomy... a room wit a door... a room wit a cosy cosy bed.... a room wit a nice pillow.... a room wit a not big not small surprisingly just d right size bed... a room wit an attached bath... a room all too myself.... a room in an amazin lookin pent house.... wit a nice lookin guy in d house....

and jus d feelin of bein in bangalore... all alone one way of puttin it... cuz dat not entirely true... but not entirely false either... no one knowin u.... don have to think of a thin.... no worries.... jus takin life easy... as it comes... for the moment.. in the present.... a schedule to be followed at d same time.... joblessness.... schudeled humongous amounts of time to roll around in above mentioned bed.... its basically called livin the life... n surprisingly ironic i don think people to too major metropolitans to live a laid back existence but ya maybe thats wut made it better..... would like to do aain... sometime... mayb wit a little company... but t company not longed for... definitely...

and if ur wonderin whether to join ur friends in a place u absolutely detest... join them... people have feelings... places dont... n u can deal wit urs....

maybe its intuition... somethings you just dont question.... ... ... ... i knew i loved u before i met u... i think iv dreamed you into life....

love n luck

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ze unthought of

well as the title suggests... this is just a random thought.... no under lying, read between the lines thought.... just a jobless random, out of the world bored thing.... so think il give you a vague day discription....

today lik any other tuesday i royally screwd physics pracs... this time i wrote the wrong experiment and there were 2 to be written!!! my physics luck so knows to come in leaps and bounds....

on the good side... managed to get beyond decent amounts of mech engg sci, engg phy n engg math done... exams start tomm technically.... screwd again dis sem.... beyond stupidity... atleast they get over on saturday so they don entirely screw valentines day... not dat im a big fan... but i don detest detest either.... oh n wid all d chocolate day n hug day n teddy bear day.... i actually gave dese 3 guys n 3 girls a rose..... hope ul had a ball of a time.... its not goin to repet often.... don take advantage!!!

after quite a while d usual yukti late night conversations happened today... its like a laughing riot when wer are all around studyin at wierd odds of the mornin kinda thin, more like night but ya....

oh n finally wen d net starts working like decently enuf so that pidgin doesn keep reconnectin and signin out, jus den everyone worth talkin is snorin an enjoyin views of a virtually existent dimension..... talk abt d las man standin

and now i not only look like im a nerd but also dat i smoke n booze n smoke up all in the same package.... i shud find out somway how dat actually works.........

love n luck

Friday, February 6, 2009

ze secret

one thing iv learned is that there would be no gossip without secrets... you might be brave enough to reveal your secret only to have it used against you... or someone elses secret might affect you in unexpected ways... there are some secrets your only too happy to keep... others surface only to be buried away deeper than they were before... but the most powerful secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal... that once spoken change everything...

love n luck

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ze scene

read through the below to be listed conversation... well something that happened this evening would have probably resulted in a similar look over kinda thing but it didn... totally cuz i din wan it to.... in its all in my hands.... for now at least... i think... also hope so too.... and it would be nice if it remains like that..... guess it should work out for the best of everyone just like that.....

scene 1
set: in the dressing room during New York fashion week.... Top designer, Eleanor and so one of the 'high' class of New York, based vaguely on the life of her daughter and her friends... at the moment there is like a conflict for the throne at school between daughter, Blair Waldorf and best friend Serena Van Der Woodsen... Serena has recently befriended page 3 persona, Poppy... and Blair to piss of her in-the-spot-light friend sends all the models home who are scheduled to walk the ramp in not more than 10 mins and some one comes up with the brain wave that Serena and her friends will draw pubilicty.... everyone is dressed and the show has begun tho Serena ins dressed yet...... here goes!!!

Poppy: Hey, why arent u dressed?

Serena: I... I don't think im gonna do this. Blair will be crushed. And if anyone is going to be crushed. if anyone is going to walk the runway in Eleanor's designs its going to be her.

Poppy: Serena, I've known you only for a few weeks but, it's pretty clear, you've spent your whole life worryin about Blair. What she thinks and how she feels...

Serena: You dont understand...

Poppy: I was best friends for years with this girl that was just like Blair, and it was subtle, but i always had to make myself less sparkly so that she wouldn feel insecure, til one day i finally realised that that is crazy. As a tru friend i would want u to be your most beautiful vibrant self.

Serena: I dunno. jus. i really don wanna hurt her.

Poppy: i kno. i kno. but is dat a good reason to hide your light. your gorgeous. sweet. amazing. and if Blair's a true friend, she'll support you.

Serena: You're right... Eleanor, where's my dress?

Scene 2

Blair doesn lik the whole thing and so she tries screwin around a lil more... she gives Serena the dress made by one of Eleanor's interns to wear for the after party... although Serena pulls it off marvelously cuz unlike Blair who has to walk for everyone's attention... Serena just glides through... So here comes the discussion when everyones cleared out the dressing room except...

Blair: Serena can we talk?
Serena: About what? How you tried to publicly humiliate me?
Blair: You Know about the dress?
Serena: Ya, youre mums sec told me! She said it was an accident, clearly she doesn know u!!!
Blair: I'm sorry. i was hurt, ok? you blew off our most beloved tradition.
Just get over it Blair.
Blair: Excuse me?
Serena: My whole life i have been bending over backwards to protect your feelings, and you know what? its not my fault your so insecure
Blair: And im sure its not your fault youre so conceited.
Serena: I'm just tired of trying to hold myself back so i dont out shine you
Blair: Oh my god. can u hear the words that are coming out of your mouth?
Serena: Just the truth. from now on, im gonna be who i am. and if your goin to support that and not be threatened and competitive then great. if not... (turns and walks)

so some secrets are the truths you thought you could never reveal... that once spoken change everything...

request for explanations if wanted...

love n luck

Monday, February 2, 2009

ze load

so y DO people make things so complicated.... u do not always have to read into anothers thoughts, words, actions, joys and sorrows.... people should stop thinking so much..... its pure stupidity.... ruins d moment n actually most of the existence.... and den they tend to dump their stupid baseless crap on u n expect u to try and change thier views about the whole situation stil maintainin their initial stand tho..... so now u also are wastin ur precious time and energy...... so as it is stupid idiotic random statements that are goin around the atmosphere picks a nice feeble ickle mind to land on and then torments them and their minuteness n so inability to apply non existent maturity screws around wid everyones life.... seriously people need to learn to relax...... to live... n let live in this context here..... seriously... else get a life.... its gettin on d nerves now....

one pre written with different emotions swarmin my mind:
Complexity has always been my strong point in my opinion… it technically doesn influence much it just maintains my sanity pretty much… for personal satisfaction… not that anything needs to be satisfied… don’t get how it actually pulls that off but still… being complicated has always been amusing… seld reassuring… guarantees a sound mind?? I dunno…. Dunno any more… but actually I never did… and its not only me, no one ever… I wonder why we think we know everything… again something I pride myself in achieving… and to top it off… I still will… the way I are…

so ya i like complexity.... i really do..... but what i was referin to earlier wasn jus dis..... it was partially.... freedom.... in whatever way u put it...... il sure lik to hear ur explanations..... i kno what im talkin abt.. do u?

love n luck

Monday, January 26, 2009

ze weekend kinda

general class... over crowded train... not as much as i expected, a lil lesser than tht actually but the entire thing was lik nice nice.... n relatives in goa are a lil help atleast..... free coke for one..... n a place to stay.... n that was some cheak cheak vacation kinda thin.... amazin home cooked meals, come of it, n beyond amazin acutually....... n we went to d beach but not half way as far as into d water...... n it hasn changed much in 5 years.... man it felt killer crazy to be back home.... n d house did also have everything required under d sun....... yes it was hot.. n cold... they took their chances in turn...........

definitely alot of heads movin in mega different directions.... beer kinda cheaper than water in some ways.... sussegad goa.... mit students all over d place...... a nice bike ride, pretty not long lived but nice all the same.... jus some great stuff... n ya hu ever did come up wid a problem wid trips.....l their lik d best frickin things that cudv ever happened to d world kinda... yes ppls opinions may differ but if it does i wud jus attribute it to stupidity ya........ n i shud learn konkani....

n wut happens in goa, stays in goa.... lol kartay!!! :( screwd luck those u cudn make it...

n im almost always right.... believe it or learn it d hard way....

love n luck

Friday, January 23, 2009

ze take off

n here take off also includes the entire take off of the plan in itself.... not very often that pre-made plans borderin on a sense of foolishness actually see the light of completion..... i hope im not speakin a lil too soon..... that would just be disastrous for the entire universe......

train leavin udupi at 4 n as far as i kno everyone on d face of manipal is takin d same train... by general... buyin tickets there and then... this is gonna be fun fun fun.... dis im definitely lookin forward too..... n for lik d first time in my life im havin d feelin dat goa isn all dat borin as presumed n also..... i lik bein lik non livin goa resident there.,.... mayb its a good thin im from there.... n at the moment family there is also startin to sound decently beneficial......

im lovin it..... more than McD style.....

love n luck
n happy weekend

ze exhaustion

k so these idiots finally decide that they should start havin basketball practice.... that idiot of a mallaya, frickin first year girls who apparently hav potential to play any dam thin of the face of the planet... he actually searches for people on the frickin road n calls them to learn!!! yes learn so crappy sport.....

so ya den again dey finally decide dat they shud hav practise at frickin 6 in d mornin on a day wen i hav class til 8 in d frickin evenin.... and wuts worse.... only 2 ppl turn up... of which 1 is me... which means jus me n another girl.... consider basketball is a minimum 5 player team game n usually played wid 2 teams one vs other but no v shal get up at 5 some odd in d mornin n go play wid ourselves for lack of more jobless ppl.....

so ya crappy class.... don think it needs any further explanation....

den at 2 in d afternoon dey say dat der is practise again in d evenin n dis time wid d seniors.... which is any day a better option to play but still.... y practise twice a day?? i lik it n all... but twice a day????

but luckily or unfortunately for me i happened to have workshop at d same time.... carpentry... i hav no clue which one is more tiresome dan d other..... may b u shud try it out n see.... i seriously advise......

n so i shal wake up to d darkness once again tomorrow mornin n get ready to go screw my bodily equilibrium at d court once again as t cock crows.....

den we shal bust our backsides in d train to goa standin all d way....

go goa!!!

love n luck

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ze bizarreness

today was jus out right crazy.... i slept lik d whole of a night dan i hav slept in ages... n a lil before that i returned to d hostel way before i usually used to tend to, then i felt absolutely dirty dirty aft showerin.... as in hu does dat, ur supposed to feel all clean.... so ya aft sleepin for lik ages, i stil fall asleep in class.... dat was lik impossible.... i go to class thinkin how for d first time in a long while i might jus hear wut d guy is sayin tho in vain.....then i feasted on dal for lunch, i mean i almost hate dat dish n i enjoyed it today n d whole point of it lyin in my plate was lack of a better option....got all bank n library work done for a while.... made sarah walk lik crazy..... used my sunglasses...... went all d way to udupi to eat cake aft anticipatin horrid stuf which was proved right.....

return n den go to sit at kmc greens absolutely randomly... one of d first ppl to enter d mess, eat n b done wid... had a fight wit d sri lankan idiot.... its been long, almost forever since iv fought wid someone.... anyone...... knock knock...

love n luck

ze old improved finale

We're not the same, dear, as we used to be.
The seasons have changed and so have we.
There was little we could say, and even less we could do
To stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you.

We bury our love in the wintery grave
A lump in the snow was all that remained.
But we stayed by its side as the days turned to weeks
And the ice kept getting thinner with every word that we'd speak.

And when spring arrived
We were taken by surprise when the floes under our feet bled into the sea
And nothing was left for you and me.

We're not the same, dear,
And it seems to me
There's nowhere we can go
With nothing underneath.
And it saddens me to say
But we both know, well, it's true
That the ice was getting thinner
Under me and you.
The ice was getting thinner
Under me and you.

love n luck

whod ever think aaron was heaven sent...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ze painting

"You should keep on painting no matter how difficult it is, because this is all part of experience, and the more experience you have,
the better it is...
unless it kills you, and then you know you have gone too far."

~ Alice Neely

love n luck

n today wil finally prove dat i don suffer from insomnia... i hope atleast

Monday, January 19, 2009

ze suicide

"..we had to breathe forever the air of the rooms in which they killed themselves. It didn't matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls, but only that we had loved them, and that they hadn't heard us calling, still do not hear us, up here in the tree house, with our thinning hair and soft bellies, calling them out of those rooms where they went to be alone for all time, alone in suicide, which is deeper than death, and where we will never find the pieces to put them back together."

love n luck

ze finale

we're not the same dear it seems to me
there's nowhere we can go
nothing underneath
then it saddens me to say
what we both knew was true
that the ice was getting thinner
under me
and u
the ice was getting thinner
under me
and u

love n luck

Saturday, January 17, 2009

ze interest

So do you always have anothers best interests in mind? Are you happy for em? would you have a problem wen it comes to somethin they want, u want em not to have, ul both wont somethin only one could have, possesion, jealousy, treachery? Puzzling? Tricky? Hindrance? Obstruction? Just randomly… surprising how sometimes you seem to think that you make a difference to people some way or the other… usually for the best… atleast you hope to… everyone thinks of others… even if they try their best to appear not to… how people try so hard sometimes… and we all do sometime or the other even if just for a moment or two…

motives anyone?

love n luck

Monday, January 12, 2009

ze sleep

dis place makes me feel lik crazy crazy sleepy kinda thin..... n i lik rush back from class to sleep but i land up havin a shower instead n im not exactly the biggest fan of water really but i just keep feelin sleepy......

n since d same thin is happenin now too..... good night.......

love n luck

Saturday, January 10, 2009

ze reappearance

so my sabatical wen it comes to d blog update has ended i hope... so reappearance on 'our souls verdict' for one.... its nice to be back... thank u all hu have made dis possible..... first id lik to thank god for everything he has given me.... my parents..... yada yada..... il continue wen i do win dat nobel....... or maybe write that book...... well this is my first post of the year too..... i have reached manipal as of 6 some odd dis mornin.... the bus journey from udipi wasn as good as had expected tho.... dat idiot drove sanely.....!!

it feels nice to be back.... the stuff ur used too as it is widout changin one bit..... everything seems to be continuin from wer it left of as if der had never been a separation of any sort at all kinda thing..... lik it waited for u.... the whole place and everything wit it.... it refused to move a nanometer til we 'reappeared' voodoo-cally for me, braids et al.... yo jamaica.....

so now bmbay has been left far behind.... that was one amazin amazin holiday..... the best so far ever kinda thing.... i pretty much had d time of my life.... very little u cud ask for beyond dat...... it was good..... n i had d moon followin me all my way from der.... lik watchin over me or sometin.... it was crazy crazy bright...... made my white blouse glow.....

oh n i hav class.... workshop actually from 5-8 on a frickin friday evenin... n i hav french class 5.30-6.30..... lik wut in d world wer dey thinkin wen dey came up wid dis genius timetable.... frickin idiots..... hu does crazy shit lik dis??? frickin wierdos.... its beyond stupidity.....

love n luck

n if ur missin me.... don tink u will for a while now....