Friday, January 23, 2009

ze exhaustion

k so these idiots finally decide that they should start havin basketball practice.... that idiot of a mallaya, frickin first year girls who apparently hav potential to play any dam thin of the face of the planet... he actually searches for people on the frickin road n calls them to learn!!! yes learn so crappy sport.....

so ya den again dey finally decide dat they shud hav practise at frickin 6 in d mornin on a day wen i hav class til 8 in d frickin evenin.... and wuts worse.... only 2 ppl turn up... of which 1 is me... which means jus me n another girl.... consider basketball is a minimum 5 player team game n usually played wid 2 teams one vs other but no v shal get up at 5 some odd in d mornin n go play wid ourselves for lack of more jobless ppl.....

so ya crappy class.... don think it needs any further explanation....

den at 2 in d afternoon dey say dat der is practise again in d evenin n dis time wid d seniors.... which is any day a better option to play but still.... y practise twice a day?? i lik it n all... but twice a day????

but luckily or unfortunately for me i happened to have workshop at d same time.... carpentry... i hav no clue which one is more tiresome dan d other..... may b u shud try it out n see.... i seriously advise......

n so i shal wake up to d darkness once again tomorrow mornin n get ready to go screw my bodily equilibrium at d court once again as t cock crows.....

den we shal bust our backsides in d train to goa standin all d way....

go goa!!!

love n luck

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