Sunday, June 7, 2009

ze mistake

Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), also known as Amputee Identity Disorder, refers to a mental disorder implying a psychological feeling that one would be happier living life as an amputee and is usually, if not always, accompanied by the desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs in order to enact that desire.

Surgeons do not treat BIID patients by giving them what they want. Some act out their desires, pretending they are amputees using prostheses and other tools to ease their desire to be one. Some sufferers resort to self-amputation of a "superfluous" limb, by allowing a train to run over it, or by damaging the limb so badly that surgeons have to amputate it. However, there are few if any cases of actual self amputation of a lower limb recorded. Often the obsession is with one specific limb, and with patients "not feeling complete while they still have that limb". However, BIID does not simply involve amputation. It involves any wish to significantly alter body integrity. Some people suffer from the desire to become paralyzed, blind, deaf, use orthopedic appliances such as leg-braces, etc. Some people spend time pretending they are an amputee by using crutches and wheelchairs at home or in public.

How often does the lack of something make us feel whole? I'm remembering, vaguely if even, a recent quiz on facebook. Yeah I agree they are all more jobless than the other, but whatsoever, this one was on how much you're worth. One of the questions were: 'Would you cut off you're limbs for a million bucks?'. Well I would never be able to dream of life without a finger let alone an entire appendage so a million bucks and I guess even all the riches of the world would never make me do such a thing. Yes, I'm not that shallow after all, who would have thought?

But here, here people are willing to give all the riches in the world to remove a limb. They think it was a mistake. God blessed or cursed them with it unknowingly when they were supposed to not have it. It slipped the creator's mind! Mentally ill they call it. Or maybe just a way out of the box imagination. From when did we decide what is and isn't normal. I guess we have been doing it for a while now, homosexual or bisexual tendencies, superiority of the races, mental stability and intelligence levels, literature interpretations and this is just part of it. Maybe Shakespeare said what he meant and meant what he said. Maybe there is no read between the lines. Maybe we came up with the whole idea just to make it seem more complex and so we would have something to look up to. A legend for all of time. Maybe it's just a very simple truth after all. Just that and nothing else. But now we'll never know will we?

When I was a bit younger I always found it weird when people said that they were sorry when they went to pay their condolences and sympathize with the relatives of the deceased. It always seemed like it wasn't their fault, but why would a sorry help? Yeah true we occasionally apologize for things we haven't dome just to make someone else feel better but even this logic didn't seem to fit the bill.

Do you sympathize with someone who's limb has died? Or is it some form of euthanasia? Or is it out right cold blooded murder? What do you do when it's all over and you realize it's not what you want but then it's a little too late?

Sometimes people's passing away sets you free if they were oppressive of some sort or always the type to keep putting you down that when they finally die you find it a reason to celebrate. So then again, now do you sympathize or rejoice? Mourn or party? And what is the new fashion of appreciating people not alive these days anymore as a means to a more liberal lifestyle?

Love n luck(06.06.2009)

Inspired by ''Nip/Tuck, Season 03, Episode 07 'Ben White' and a little help from Episode 12 'Sal Perri''

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