Monday, June 8, 2009

ze ambition and getting over it

Is it just high school when we are all idealists, all innate high aspirations? People we want to be. Places we want to go. Changes we are certain we will definitely ensure happen. It is that time when there are things we stand up for and others we protest about. Even if they are small incidents in school, we are vocal about it. Even if just amongst ourselves, we have an opinion. And then what happens? When do we start becoming indifferent?

As we grow up, we let go of most things as mere childhood dreams and insanity. A play world where we could conjure castles from sand-pits and believe that storks gifted babies from above. Yes we were a little insane then but what about when we learned of abortion, euthanasia, human trafficking, global warming and had things to say about it. We all tried our small ways. Not burning crackers, separating garbage, to do what we thought could change the world. So when did we finally decide that it was all a fable? When did we lose hope?

When we graduate we are still inspiration ridden. We have seen more people succeed than not. Everything through college seemed to prepare us for the world but when we finally enter it, the hidden images no one ever talked about. The lack of integrity, dignity, and humanity. The rat race was always familiar but its extent is now thrust upon us with an unbearable force and the only difference is how long it takes you to give in to the yolk. It is just about the time when you begin to bow your head. Allow the sea to engulf you. Allow the boat to capsize. It is when you give in. You lose yourself. You lose who you are. When we finally let go of our overactive, wide with wonder and imagination and belief that everything works out well and we will all be rich someday and become impending zombies, all for the lack of a dream or someone to be... Will I lose myself somewhere?

Your heart matters, it's what got me here.

Love n luck


o said...

u sure rueben wint

o said...



who ever thought id see something from you here???!!!! u remembered d url?