Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ze song


See the streets darken by night
See the clouds turn out the light
But the steps do lead somewhere
The footprints are always there
All the dreams are here to stay
When hope has lost its way
And I'll beeeee there
You know you want me too...
You know you do!

See the mind ferment the thoughts
See the ambitions rot
But the nag doesn't resolve itself
Conscience never sleeps
And the drain is clogged again
The force unbearable when
Yet the game has begun
Alongside I shall run
You know you want me too...
You know you do!

See the white ribbon, the finish line
See the purity, tranquility, divine
But do not force the exit
Bliss ain't thy name but for someone it is
Te sun may not shine through
But the shadows might even out
And I'll wait for you, I'll wait, I'll wait, I will.
And I'll be there to cut the fall for you,
I once fell too...

love n luck

11th August, 2009

1 comment:

The Shade said...

Don worry... someone will always be there to pick u up after u fall...