Sunday, August 9, 2009

ze signout

well... yeah read the title... its not a mistake cuz I'm referring to it yet again!!!!! yeah i wont be writing here for a lil while.... not exactly that i don wan to..... just that i feel like writing but i have nothing much to say an even if i do its like just not me.... i don exactly feel like myself anymore.... i don feel like the me i technically am and neither do i feel like the me i used to try to be..... or maybe this is the real me.... I'm not sure of that either!!!!

for now its more or less just change an ignorance..... am maybe i don feel like me too because people i used to know appear different themselves also..... maybe its just them who have changed and i feel like its me because the people i know usually tend to be a big part of me.... its like even the way i expect someone to react to something i say or do or feel or think is miles away from how they actually perceive it themselves!!!!

shit happens.... we move on yeah.... well i guess not right now at least.... I'm waiting for the void to completely set in.... for the world to entirely block itself out.... for the shadow to overwhelm yet again..... for the peaceful retreat out of reality.....

as i said.... i come in peace, i beg thee, do not block my path, do not try to hypnotize or attempt at convincing me that i have nothing to escape from.... do not be afraid, for i shall return again.... maybe mightier or just simply rested.... the sabbatical shall cease.... but til then.... allow me to walk in the valley of the shadows i do not fear but hope to embrace by the stream of hope..... everlasting.... ever living..... immortal....... fiction..............................

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