Monday, February 2, 2009

ze load

so y DO people make things so complicated.... u do not always have to read into anothers thoughts, words, actions, joys and sorrows.... people should stop thinking so much..... its pure stupidity.... ruins d moment n actually most of the existence.... and den they tend to dump their stupid baseless crap on u n expect u to try and change thier views about the whole situation stil maintainin their initial stand tho..... so now u also are wastin ur precious time and energy...... so as it is stupid idiotic random statements that are goin around the atmosphere picks a nice feeble ickle mind to land on and then torments them and their minuteness n so inability to apply non existent maturity screws around wid everyones life.... seriously people need to learn to relax...... to live... n let live in this context here..... seriously... else get a life.... its gettin on d nerves now....

one pre written with different emotions swarmin my mind:
Complexity has always been my strong point in my opinion… it technically doesn influence much it just maintains my sanity pretty much… for personal satisfaction… not that anything needs to be satisfied… don’t get how it actually pulls that off but still… being complicated has always been amusing… seld reassuring… guarantees a sound mind?? I dunno…. Dunno any more… but actually I never did… and its not only me, no one ever… I wonder why we think we know everything… again something I pride myself in achieving… and to top it off… I still will… the way I are…

so ya i like complexity.... i really do..... but what i was referin to earlier wasn jus dis..... it was partially.... freedom.... in whatever way u put it...... il sure lik to hear ur explanations..... i kno what im talkin abt.. do u?

love n luck

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