Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ze 2008

man this has been one year...... and it wins the best year award i have survived hands down.... if this year hadn happened i wonder what my life wud be today n in my opinion i wud lik actually hav a resolution to make if this year hadn turned out lik this.... sure the resolution wud be something lik try to hav a year lik this not knowin all it wud entail or how to go about the whole thing but still something on those lines you know...... so ya this year has probably seen alotta firsts and lasts.... self realization n oblivion.... hope and the lack of it (not that i usually hope for much but sometimes there is this certain sense of rare optimism if u kno wut i mean)... then there is the usual breakin rules tho this year especially saw some very legal ones n theres also the obedience to them... an lik always learn new words, see new places, meet new people, start new relationships, survive new experiences, plan new things, do never-done-before stuff..... n the likes

so as a new year begins im casually reminiscin... again somethin new cuz i don do stuff lik dis often.... i rarely relook things i feel its better this way but then again i did mention alot of new things happened this year.... n im really greatful for em all.... i did mention dat this year has seen that i have d time of my life.... so for one of the first few times im feelin d sense of leavin something good behind.... yes this year surely has got more emotion into me or mayb its just maturity but then that again is somethin that comes wit time......

so at the end of the day... the end of the year.... the year doesn have to end... y shud a bunch of numbered papers determine when things start n end.... i was thinkin more lik a loopin theory here.... so although i appreciate... greatly appreciate is an understatement..... the year gone bye.... i don think the 1st of Jan, 2009 should be any different than the last if not better.... so i believe it shouldn end lik this... it wont.....!!!!

love n luck

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