Wednesday, December 24, 2008

ze self consciousness

so ya after closely observing the specimen under careful and uncontrolled surrounding circumstances we have now become aware of the once highly self conscious persona in question has for reasons unknown seemed to have let down her guard... what has also been observed is that this has not been a slow gradual process tho on the other hand it has been a rapid, unexpected, totally not anticipated change... this can be proved by the fact that the observers weren even sure if what they wer veiwin could be classified as astimatism or illusional... it was so one of a kind that if eyes din pop it wud b a matter of discussion....

so now that v hav been familiarized wit the above stated data what comes to follow is what do you think catalysed this sudden abrupt behavioral pattern improvement.... what had happened that led to this.... who made this happen... how has the previous philosophy been amended to allow this.... when did realization dawn.... why such a sudden change of train of thought....

so anyone considerin pursuin this issue wil be highly appreciated and so will any data or conclusions that whomsoever may try... highly anticipated... please be useful...

love n luck

ps. all the above observations wer noted when the subject was under no influence of illegal or underage substances whatsoever

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