Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ze departure

yes u never leave without sayin good bye... u jus dont... no if, but, sorry, was..., or any other thing u might consider an excuse will work here under any circumstance... U JUS DONT LEAVE WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE... beginnig of story n its end too... n if ever forgiven will not be forgotten...

I'm holdin' on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground.
And I'm hearin' what you say,
But I just can't make a sound.
You tell me that you need me,
Then you go and cut me down...
But wait...
You tell me that you're sorry,
Didn't think I'd turn around...
And say...

That it's too late to apologize.
It's too late...
I said it's too late to apologize.
It's too late.

I'd take another chance,
Take a fall, take a shot for you.
I need you like a heart needs a beat,
But it's nothin' new.
I loved you with a fire red,
Now it's turnin' blue...
And you say...
Sorry, like an angel
Heaven let me think was you...
But I'm afraid...

not exactly all that dramatic but i like the song n the lyrics n just btw it might not even be related to this post whatsoever.... mayb i just wanted to make this post seem longer

love n luck

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