Saturday, December 6, 2008

ze probable temopary farewell

well this might be my last post for a long time indefinitely... not promisin my absence *pessimistic* but the net at home is more unpredictable than the stuff available here... i kno not really possible but hard times i tell you... unbelievable yet true... and technically i am on holiday... ya i kno miss me miss me... but enough of what may or may not be... cuz we arent even sure of it yet...

but yes if you ask how my stay here is going well i wont really tell you cuz ur supposed to be here... any other day i wouldv but you have to pay the price for strandin me here in the middle of nowhere kind oof thing... not that im not enjoyin your lack of presence but stil... i lik drama... i kno this last post of the year probably is lik an irony to the whole dramatic thing but you have to excuse the light state of mind... it has not even sunk in yet.... somethin....

And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

love n luck

'If you do not want it fixed like that...
Be more careful so that it wont break'
-Full Metal Alchemist (S01 E27)

1 comment:

E said...

late goodbye, poets of the fall.

i listen to a lot.