Friday, December 19, 2008

ze return of the ipod

it's been a while... quite a while actually.... and i'm takin a break from the reality series with the evident lack of reality in me life at the moment.... and to think that in bombay of all places life wouldn't be eventful resulting in a sudden decline in d blog update empire that it actually leaves you high and dry in reference to our souls verdict.... yes writer's block we have reached haven't we? we shall just hope and pray that this is temorary and this too shall pass....

also been a lil too lazy to walk all d way to d comp.... ya i kno i make it sound lik as though nearest net access is lik a mirage in a saharan oasis but consider lethargy.... and the agony while your hopin net will connect... hope hope hope... n then it doesn n u wanna tear your hair out....

oh but i have not been doin absolutely nothin if u consider readin the twilight series somethin which it is.... the second book is a tad more borin than the first.... well im not sayin its borin... jus that its not the most interestin thing in the world.... it has been keepin me mega company and im not not loyal jus there cudv hav been a lil more punch ya kno.... decent for what its worth tho in my opinion..... and the whole werewolf vampire enemity is jus so much more amusin wen dey both fightin over a girl... n u kno how gay those fights can be.... all mushy n stuff..... but dis is lik serious serious i-hate-u.... adolescent emotions aside kinda thin..... frickin awesome.... else it wud lik jus be plain sad... n i bet she's baskin in that glory that two guys.... well not guys exactly to b specific.... are lik willin to rip the skin off each others backs over her if nothin else..... whoa.... some story line to it....

oh n if u make a few observations.... i appear to be the inspiration behind bella's character... yup i know crappy name.... meyer forgot to ask me for my choice there but im anticipatin her apology letter to reach soon enuf..... happy musin et ponderin this fact.... any improvements on the case pls be sure to notify me.... mayb that will be the subject of my new book.... the bella version of moi!!!!

love n luck.....


The Shade said...

still untitled?? pity.. pity..


tada..... ther comes d title..... besides it bein totally unrelated i hope u wud hav some faint idea how it came about... countin on it..... atleast!
love n luck