Monday, December 31, 2012

ze ark

But if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own.

Everyone's known about this year and about me this year. This was the year when more often than not I'd reply saying I'm not fine... This was the year when I hoped the Mayan's were right... This was the year when my first post was an apology that I lost my last post. This was the year when the last New Years seems like 365 days away and this was a leap year! This was the year when I prayed for karma to be true.

And now this year is over. I thought I'd be so glad it's all finished and done with, not that I'm not but what I am happier about is that all those days when I'd hear repeatedly, 'Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger', well I was sure it was true but I also believed it probably made you harder and more scornful too I wasn't wrong. It was the difference between surviving and living. But down the line some gesture can change it all. It's not about what doesn't kill you and it's not about what you don't let affect you but it is what you let in.

I'm still trying to get my mind wrapped around this, but I know I've got it right this time! And it's beautiful. It's hope. And it's reality. But most of all, it's beautiful! And I can feel it flowing through my veins. It's about taking charge. Yes, not about letting things not effect you but about strictly dictating what does! And it's power and accomplishment and it's you in a whole new light! So much so that you can barely recognize yourself and that's only because you've now come out from hiding. You have realized yourself and the reflection you finally see in the mirror is your soul and it's deep! From here there's no turning back. Yes, the world ended on 21st December, 2012 at precisely 12:21 pm and the flow of the energies in the universe were reversed and I can feel it flowing through my veins. And it feels good!

Yeah if you give a little love, you can get a little love of your own.

love n luck

Ps. Thanks for bearing with me this year. Thanks for helping me through this year. Thanks for being there. Thanks for putting up with me. I know it would have been a really uphill task, I know it was effort and affection and I guarantee it was not in vain. And this I know for sure, I couldn't have done it without you! Embrace the New Year with open arms, you deserve it!

It is finished...
Now there's hope!
And after all, isn't life just borrowed time?

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