Friday, December 28, 2012

ze x

It was a good trip. The best I've known! The best I could never imagine, the festival I could never light up!

I don't know if you'd call it a Christmas miracle, but it sure felt like one. This is not me, this has never been me yet I feel so at home it sure seems like I'm under my own skin. The decorations and the sweets and the caroling and the love... That is Christmas! Whatever they try to brainwash you, all that they ingrain in to your fragile thalamus that this is what Christmas is not about and that is what it is all about, well, it's not in the least bit about Christ, it never was. That, that was just a mere coincidence! In fact not even that, it was positioned there very thoughtfully. Christmas is about warmth, Christmas is about joy and Christmas is about togetherness. And that's what takes the illusions out of the happiness abound because it is now transformed in to a logical cascade and it fits in quite perfectly. Its all about priority. It's a lesson learned late but better than never.

It was a good Christmas! It was a great Christmas!

It's probably karma! :D

love n luck

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