Thursday, December 6, 2012

ze to... ze to feel

To be high! Exhilarated! A mind with no boundaries, nothing holding you back! To explore, and in getting lost finding yourself! To be high... To want to do something over and over again just to experience the same rush you felt about it when you first tried it and you can identify with this sentence.
To flow in thought, and flow losing direction, merging paths, and spreading with deltas! To feel sublime! To feel numbingly alive, numbingly aware, numbingly awake! To want to dance! To want to lay back asleep, to want to dream, to know that when you get up you WILL be refreshed, you wont be tired.
Of all the maybes, the will be and could be... The clarity in the present is rejuvenating. It's momentary, but it's substantial. It's soothing and it's multidimensional on a single plane. It's reality.
This maybe trying to hard. It's what I want to say, but all I can think of is a doctor, a surgeon, a cardiac-thoracic surgeon holding a heart in his hand and knowing that he'll never give up his job in the face of all adversity because he's addicted! I don't know addiction. The closest I've come are emotions, because, relatively speaking, that's my stronghold. I know sad, I know melancholy, I know heart break, I know loneliness, and I know abandonment and pain. And when I'm not feeling one of these, most often than not I'd rather be feeling one of these because, these I know how to handle, I know how to deal. But just sometimes, I want to feel a thrill, a surge. I have felt peace, I have felt content, and yes just momentarily but substantial. But a gush of enveloping mind space, a material longing, a dependency, and no not on someone, I'm talking about on some thing, just to feel...
Listen to the lyrics of One More Night, Maroon 5!
I shall listen to the lyrics of One More Night, Maroon 5 with my Skull Candy headphones one day soon!
 I want to shine like a diamond! Sparkle and glitter and let the world around me, just for one night... Diamonds!

love n luck

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