Wednesday, December 31, 2008

ze 2008

man this has been one year...... and it wins the best year award i have survived hands down.... if this year hadn happened i wonder what my life wud be today n in my opinion i wud lik actually hav a resolution to make if this year hadn turned out lik this.... sure the resolution wud be something lik try to hav a year lik this not knowin all it wud entail or how to go about the whole thing but still something on those lines you know...... so ya this year has probably seen alotta firsts and lasts.... self realization n oblivion.... hope and the lack of it (not that i usually hope for much but sometimes there is this certain sense of rare optimism if u kno wut i mean)... then there is the usual breakin rules tho this year especially saw some very legal ones n theres also the obedience to them... an lik always learn new words, see new places, meet new people, start new relationships, survive new experiences, plan new things, do never-done-before stuff..... n the likes

so as a new year begins im casually reminiscin... again somethin new cuz i don do stuff lik dis often.... i rarely relook things i feel its better this way but then again i did mention alot of new things happened this year.... n im really greatful for em all.... i did mention dat this year has seen that i have d time of my life.... so for one of the first few times im feelin d sense of leavin something good behind.... yes this year surely has got more emotion into me or mayb its just maturity but then that again is somethin that comes wit time......

so at the end of the day... the end of the year.... the year doesn have to end... y shud a bunch of numbered papers determine when things start n end.... i was thinkin more lik a loopin theory here.... so although i appreciate... greatly appreciate is an understatement..... the year gone bye.... i don think the 1st of Jan, 2009 should be any different than the last if not better.... so i believe it shouldn end lik this... it wont.....!!!!

love n luck

Saturday, December 27, 2008

ze Freewheelin' Bob Dylan


"Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet."

"A poem is a naked person... Some people say that I am a poet."

"I don't call myself a poet, because I don't like the word. I'm a trapeze artist."

"People today are still living off the table scraps of the sixties. They are still being passed around - the music and the ideas."

"I've always been the kind of person that doesn't like to trespass, but sometimes you just find yourself over the line."

"I'm speaking for all of us. I'm the spokesman for a generation. "

"I accept chaos, I'm not sure whether it accepts me."

"This land is your land and this land is my land, sure, but the world is run by those that never listen to music anyway."


"No one is free; even the birds are chained to the sky."

"In the dime stores and bus stations, people talk of situations, read books, repeat quotations, draw conclusions on the wall."

"Democracy doesn't rule the world, You'd better get that in your head; This world is ruled by violence, But I guess that's better left unsaid."

"Mona Lisa must have had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles."

"Inside the museums, Infinity goes up on trial. Voices echo, this is what salvation must be like after a while."

"Ain't it just like the night to play tricks when you're tryin' to be so quiet? We sit here stranded, though we're all doin' our best to deny it. And Louise holds a handful of rain, temptin' you to defy it."

love n luck

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

ze self consciousness

so ya after closely observing the specimen under careful and uncontrolled surrounding circumstances we have now become aware of the once highly self conscious persona in question has for reasons unknown seemed to have let down her guard... what has also been observed is that this has not been a slow gradual process tho on the other hand it has been a rapid, unexpected, totally not anticipated change... this can be proved by the fact that the observers weren even sure if what they wer veiwin could be classified as astimatism or illusional... it was so one of a kind that if eyes din pop it wud b a matter of discussion....

so now that v hav been familiarized wit the above stated data what comes to follow is what do you think catalysed this sudden abrupt behavioral pattern improvement.... what had happened that led to this.... who made this happen... how has the previous philosophy been amended to allow this.... when did realization dawn.... why such a sudden change of train of thought....

so anyone considerin pursuin this issue wil be highly appreciated and so will any data or conclusions that whomsoever may try... highly anticipated... please be useful...

love n luck

ps. all the above observations wer noted when the subject was under no influence of illegal or underage substances whatsoever

Friday, December 19, 2008

ze return of the ipod

it's been a while... quite a while actually.... and i'm takin a break from the reality series with the evident lack of reality in me life at the moment.... and to think that in bombay of all places life wouldn't be eventful resulting in a sudden decline in d blog update empire that it actually leaves you high and dry in reference to our souls verdict.... yes writer's block we have reached haven't we? we shall just hope and pray that this is temorary and this too shall pass....

also been a lil too lazy to walk all d way to d comp.... ya i kno i make it sound lik as though nearest net access is lik a mirage in a saharan oasis but consider lethargy.... and the agony while your hopin net will connect... hope hope hope... n then it doesn n u wanna tear your hair out....

oh but i have not been doin absolutely nothin if u consider readin the twilight series somethin which it is.... the second book is a tad more borin than the first.... well im not sayin its borin... jus that its not the most interestin thing in the world.... it has been keepin me mega company and im not not loyal jus there cudv hav been a lil more punch ya kno.... decent for what its worth tho in my opinion..... and the whole werewolf vampire enemity is jus so much more amusin wen dey both fightin over a girl... n u kno how gay those fights can be.... all mushy n stuff..... but dis is lik serious serious i-hate-u.... adolescent emotions aside kinda thin..... frickin awesome.... else it wud lik jus be plain sad... n i bet she's baskin in that glory that two guys.... well not guys exactly to b specific.... are lik willin to rip the skin off each others backs over her if nothin else..... whoa.... some story line to it....

oh n if u make a few observations.... i appear to be the inspiration behind bella's character... yup i know crappy name.... meyer forgot to ask me for my choice there but im anticipatin her apology letter to reach soon enuf..... happy musin et ponderin this fact.... any improvements on the case pls be sure to notify me.... mayb that will be the subject of my new book.... the bella version of moi!!!!

love n luck.....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

ze reality... part 3

well now this is an entirely me publication kinda thing... yes all equipped wid sms lingo et al... n jus btw the sms lingo is so to emphasize my extreme laziness tendency....

but yes back to the reality which is kind of bothering me.... yes what i am talking about here is specifically the presence of entirely lik picture perfect guys from all angles tho only present in fantasy an never in the world i am livin in.... it can be frickin pissin off i tell u... the guy in mention looks amazin lik outta dis world or somethin although he is outta dis world but stil... n he is lik smart n nice n possess an amazin sense of sarcasm with an air of oblivion n he is able to read peoples minds or jus ppl on the whole wit utmost precision.... now thats jus way tooo much of a package to put together kinda thing... n he is not even available.... primarily cuz he doesn exist... fiction i tell u.... should be hung upside down and den beheaded...... now coming to think of it.... fiction fantasy is one reason i stopped readin.... it makes u regret d world ur livin in... not regret exactly cuz i kinda pride myself in not regretin anytin i do.... but its lik a major let down to kno dat even if u did sacrifice everytin u had only to move into dat dimension it wud stil be impossible as dat dimension is not existent.... NON-EXISTENT!!!!

*sob sob* i pity myself...

love n luck

ze reality... part 2


You rip apart my carefully constructed reality and leave your fingerprints sprawled across the scene of the crime. Ragged images cascade in the periphery of my vision as I fall into the arms of my memory.Come away with me, you seem to whisper, as my messy curls caress your face. I close my eyes and carve circles into your chest with my finger.If only it were that simple, I sigh to myself.I roll onto my back and cross my arms behind my head. Before long I am immersed in the cognition, captured by the suspended frame of time, aware of the impending transit of circumstances.
Though maybe it can be.

love n luck

-Facebook, Notes

Thursday, December 11, 2008

ze reality... part 1

One day, I met a boy. He had long hair, and he wore it down like an angel.
"My name is Rob," he said.
"Anna," I answered, and then we smiled.
Rob was my best friend. We talked about heaven and love and coffee with just enough sugar and cream. Ours was a fairy-tale dreamland with perfect moments where we never ran out of things to say.
"Let's be hippies today," he said, and we donned our sunglasses and handkerchiefs, let down our hair and talked of peace and love.
"Lets be bad," I said, and we scowled, decked out in black, and rocked to heavy metal.
"Let's be optimistic," he said, and we walked around in yellow, on top of the world.
"Let's be individuals," he said, and we made up puzzling outfits, contemplated anarchy, and laughed. This was our favourite game.
Sometimes we sang, sometimes we ran, sometimes we talked, but mostly we laughed. We had summers of perfection and idyllic winters. We had sunshine, and we had red cheeks, and we danced in the rain. It was beautiful.
"Let's be in love," I said, and I bit my nails and cried afraid he wouldn't like this game. He danced.
"I love you!" he said, and on went our fairy-tale dreamland. But my stomach was upset, and my eyes cried without me at night, and I knew that it was wrong.
"Let's break up," I said, and he cried. And I cried for his broken heart and the way he didn't look at me anymore.
"I don't like this game," he said.
Then our fairy-tale dreamland and we looked around to see where the colors had gone, and why our world was gray.
"I think it left with the love," I said, and I cried.
"But it was just a game," he said, laughingquietly, and I remembered that there were no kisses. My heart hurt and I cried because I didn't realize the truth.
Once I knew a boy. Now he has forgotten our fairy-tale dreamland, and I watch him as his heart grows cold. He says that he is truly bad.
"Let's hate each other," he said, and I agreed. Then my stomach turned again, and I cried in the dark, and I knew it was wrong.
"Let's make up," I said, and we pretended. Then we tried to remember our fairy-tale dreamland, but he could not find the way and I lost him.
"Let's say I've fallen in love with someone else," he said, and I smiled sadly because it was no longer a game, and he would never play with me again.
"Let's move on," I said.
I remember a boy. We once had a fairy-tale dreamland. Sometimes I still go there, looking for him, because he was lost.
"Let's be hippies today," I call, but I get no answer.
Once, I knew a boy.

love n luck

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

ze arrival

well not much will be comin up here... i have observed d internet status here and it is more thatn sable compared to what i have got myself used to in the past 4 minus net available months... but as i type more of my bombay closed clamish non expressive self is setting in so how much i actually wanna share will be like relatively zilch... there are a lot alot of expeiences especially with respect to trains and and the maturity levels of small kids but mayb that wil just be a topic of discussion some other time....

so long then....
again the farewell i bid thee might be very brief or shortlived but whi knows the future now, do you?

love n luck

ps: notice the absence of song lyrics whatsoever

Saturday, December 6, 2008

ze probable temopary farewell

well this might be my last post for a long time indefinitely... not promisin my absence *pessimistic* but the net at home is more unpredictable than the stuff available here... i kno not really possible but hard times i tell you... unbelievable yet true... and technically i am on holiday... ya i kno miss me miss me... but enough of what may or may not be... cuz we arent even sure of it yet...

but yes if you ask how my stay here is going well i wont really tell you cuz ur supposed to be here... any other day i wouldv but you have to pay the price for strandin me here in the middle of nowhere kind oof thing... not that im not enjoyin your lack of presence but stil... i lik drama... i kno this last post of the year probably is lik an irony to the whole dramatic thing but you have to excuse the light state of mind... it has not even sunk in yet.... somethin....

And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

love n luck

'If you do not want it fixed like that...
Be more careful so that it wont break'
-Full Metal Alchemist (S01 E27)

Friday, December 5, 2008

ze world

it just like imaginary... out of this world kinda thing... like a dream... lik its not happenin... lik u think its happenin but your not sure... that u kno its happenin but u think it isn... that u kno its happpenin but u don want it to but you wan it to... dreamin...

and i lik it... couldn hav been better... not dat i kno what it would be if it was better but its happenin and thats all i can ask for... an evidently im havin a ball of a time... im dancin... dat never happens... i never dance in d middle of d road... i never plan to dance at end point.... i never plan to go for pub parties... dat not really my kinda thin... i never ask ppl if dey wanna dance jus cuz i really wanna... n i never wanna in d first place... n net doesn work at amazin speeds ever... n jus... im lovin it... true McD style... oh n yes an im jus a few hrs away from the McD in the same area kinda thin...

these idiots have left... dey kinda went yday... n apparently my face did a wierd twist thin when dey wer leavin... but i dunno about dat... i don think so... i hope it din... i believe i din... i trust it din... n i cant really see my face... n moreover i cant see it from a bus... especially since im not in d bus but im tryin to figure wer d ppl i wanna see in d bus are... n ppl wer feelin sorry for me... dey kept askin how i was... d world is goin nuts... n dese idiots hardly hav lik reached homw n dey already missin here... yes im here... i don hav to miss here... nice...

"Wish You Were Here"

So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,
blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found? The same old fears.
Wish you were here.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

ze end

it just began and its over... done with already... it seems just like yesterday that we were hoping we wpuld get admission and then when we did we were hoping everything would go right.... we finally reach here n it's a little let down but we can deal with that... make friends... lose em... get better ones... begin to not care... learn to get along on your own, make do with what u can, thank the Almighty for the great stuff you have and always know at the back of your mind that irrespective of all the crap that happens everywhere you still wouldn't ask for any different life even one tiny bit whatsoever...

but we like one sem up already i just dont hope that the other 7 which are left pass just as fast... it not nice like that... not nice at all....

and the apparent good news is that end sems are done with... they are over... peace and sanity to reign for a while now... dunno about the sanity part really cuz all i can think of now is dancing really and me and dancing dont exactly go hand in hand... and to top it of i was like doing the birdy dance on the frickin road today and almost the entire stretch of the road... that is definitely something now.... no denial... snap your finger tips... flap your hands like wings... and...........

oh baby let me be
oh let him be
your teddy bear

love n luck

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ze mother

so my exams are like technically getting done on the 5th kinda thing... it like the day after tomorrow or so... but im not planning on leaving for home until the 7th night... which means i will reach only 8th afternoon.... but.... as of today afternoon, mother and dad are taking it in turns to ask me if i plan on coming any earlier or... if i totally do not like them or.... something that i want to be away from them for so long even when im getting a chance to do so otherwise....

so i almost promised them that i will not really show my face earlier than when i was actually planning on being there... partly as i do not want to cancel my ticket.... n i do not want to lose money because of canceling my ticket and i do not want to go through the pain of trying to get another ticket to the almost totally packed n over crowed means of transport for other people returning to bombay too..... n also bombay is like a change over for like alot of people so even those who do not live ther are going there.....

and the basic whole idea of not running home as soon as the exam are over was because that was supposed to be like a cool off period... like a break or time out or something....not that i do much to deserve them but i am like a big mega huge major fan of timeouts... n i like to take my own as an when i can and as often as i can cause the opportunities that pass your way are really few.... so i just usually take it for granted that my mother after knowing me for like a little more than 17yrs 7months some odd days now.... just thought she would have figured this out a while ago and would probably know of it like the back of her palm... but evidently she has no clue of even the bare existence of such a thing... not something i expected... totally not anticipated and moreover of her at all.... heart break.... heart break.... [read:hibernate, oblivion] n jus by the way... empty... sorry relatively empty spaces are nice places to go on a relax holiday with yourself.... n how often are you able to get people lik soooooo many people to vacate places fast enough without declarin a life hazardous situation kinda thing???

Mother you u should start reading blog.... might just do u a world of good...

anyway... hoping she shall figure in due course of time.... n while still hopin....

love n luck

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ze departure

yes u never leave without sayin good bye... u jus dont... no if, but, sorry, was..., or any other thing u might consider an excuse will work here under any circumstance... U JUS DONT LEAVE WITHOUT SAYING GOODBYE... beginnig of story n its end too... n if ever forgiven will not be forgotten...

I'm holdin' on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground.
And I'm hearin' what you say,
But I just can't make a sound.
You tell me that you need me,
Then you go and cut me down...
But wait...
You tell me that you're sorry,
Didn't think I'd turn around...
And say...

That it's too late to apologize.
It's too late...
I said it's too late to apologize.
It's too late.

I'd take another chance,
Take a fall, take a shot for you.
I need you like a heart needs a beat,
But it's nothin' new.
I loved you with a fire red,
Now it's turnin' blue...
And you say...
Sorry, like an angel
Heaven let me think was you...
But I'm afraid...

not exactly all that dramatic but i like the song n the lyrics n just btw it might not even be related to this post whatsoever.... mayb i just wanted to make this post seem longer

love n luck

Monday, December 1, 2008

ze night

so wel i feel asleep watchin F.R.I.E.N.D.S. last night with lik the tube lights on... the door open... n the girl who fell of the bed already fast asleep... oh just by the way she kind of fell of the bed again today... n ya back to where we were... i fell asleep, watching, to be specific, watchin, around the 10:32nd minute of the 6th episode of the second season... yes i fell asleep and when i did get up by mistake in the middle of the night the light was off... the door closed... n the laptop in a safe not fall off the bed position... k not position exactly but ya...

now the freaky part is when i finally did did get up at the break of dawn... i was sure as hell that i didn keep the laptop or switch off the lights or close the door but the fall off bed girl also didn... yes she claims of sane and sound mind that she didn... she didn... i didn... n to consider there were only two of us in the room so who in the world did all that?? who? who??? who????

if any information please contact me... you know where and how... in case you dont just remember there is something called comment you idiot... anything sounding vaguely sane might be suitably rewarded...

love n luck