Monday, December 2, 2013

ze smoothie

I haven't been writing. And if I have written anything at all, well it's not been anything worth reading really. Maybe because there are not many emotional turmoils or unavailable people to talk to both... And things seem to be really going smooth. It's always a nice feeling to overcome friction and slide past but it's a lot of fun to run down the side of a hill as well. But the thing with that is that behind everything there is a little fear that well you might trio and fall and come rolling down. You'll probably reach in one piece but not without getting beaten up oh quite a bit.

I think I'm done with my Spain shopping. And all in under an hour. It's like everything there was designed for me and it just existed for this sole purpose. This now is starting to feel just a little too smooth, I wonder if the fear should come on over already...

love n luck

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