Monday, December 16, 2013

ze other time

Dear All,

Today is my last day at ITC.

In past 2 years, I was fortunate to work in the Sun Care domain while we were still quite new to it and so I have managed to learn a lot from multiple domains or so I'd like to believe. I was once told that if at any given time you are not feeling like an idiot or like a genius, you are not doing it right. I am very glad that I have felt this enthusiasm throughout my time at ITC and this being my first job it has shown me a very bright future to look forward to. What I would miss the most though would be the various interactions I have had with so many different kinds of people and exchange of ideas that often followed. All of this has now lead me to my decision to pursue further studies and I am leaving for the same hoping we will once again cross paths in the future.

Thank you all for your time and support.

You can connect with me on d** and if an email ID is too hard to remember, I'm sure it wouldn't be to hard to find me on Facebook as well if you spell my name right!

Love and luck

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