Wednesday, January 1, 2014

ze phew!

Recently I have begun feeling a little lonely... It's the holidays so it's quite easy. But whenever I sit back and actually think about everyone being out there with someone or the other I actually feel a little accomplished. It's quite a strong feeling to realize that you're going it alone and that you're doing well at it. You have a long road ahead of you and you're quite enjoying hippity hopping all the way. True you may miss a step and get a few bruises but nonetheless you're still smiling. And I like it.
There was a time when I'd find it hard to get up and rant and rave about no one being around. There are a few times I would like company as well but I've gotten to realize that even the occasional company I crave for is still only from a distance. And that I actually like my space to move and think and experience things as they come.
These days I have been feeling a little like 5 years ago but I have grown up from there oh so much! It's a nice transition, of course I'd never really want to do adolescence again but nonetheless it was fun while it lasted. But even though I feel the same in the way of being single maybe I didn't feel as empowered then, maybe then it would have been easy to get lost in the crowd than it seems like as of now. Now all I see is a world of possibility and I look forward to it only as me. Right now, I wouldn't want to be a we, it just wouldn't fit.
2014, well it took long enough. Though sometimes it seems to have arrived yesterday. It's been a tough last few months and it's been marvelous. Who knew what might seem like the worst time of your life provides so much insight that it could fuel the rest of your life on a path you would never care to doubt. Yes, that's how right it feels! I'm looking forward, I'm enjoying the present, I'm appreciating the past, I'm content. And more so, I have felt like this for the longest time! So actually, if I looked in to the future from 5 years ago I'd never recognize me and I'm glad I've grown up from there 'cause that me might not have approved. And I'm sure I thought I knew it all then! ;) Just like my sister thinks she knows it all, and my brother's sure he cant be wrong! Noobs :P Yet, to each his own, because you just absolutely ant tell someone otherwise.
So, I like you 2014. you sound interesting. Please go a little easy on me, but it's just a suggestion, I really don't mind it anyway. Please keep everyone I love very safe, because that would be hard, and I would be far away and I seriously think this is not the time, tsk tsk tsk. No kidding. This part will not be as easy so please, please. I love them very, very much... ... ...

love n luck

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