Tuesday, March 6, 2012

ze mishap

I swear I typed out a year end blog post and scheduled it to be posted at the year end due to the probability of me not having access to a working net connection as I was out of town around that time and in the midst of all the commotion I just could not stand the possibility of not having posted for the last time in that year with nothing but the thought of this being my last post of the year. Not only that, it was supposed to be my 24th post. And that number is quite significant if you seen the number of posts I post each year. This is the first time I am logging in this year and it's not a very pretty sight. For the first time in ever I''m wishing I could turn back time. I am extremely certain I typed out that post, and I am extremely certain I scheduled it. Though at this moment I can't even locate a draft of it so I have no clue what just happened. Dam! And I thought my first post this year, even though it's horribly late would be very well worth reading but instead it's an apology. I pity myself, so then again, till better times!

Love n luck

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