Wednesday, December 21, 2011

ze double packed box

I was thinking of this book I once got for Christmas from our neighbours, the Christmas Box. It used to be one of my favourites then. Slow and cold, and seemingly light till the story picks up pace. It seemed relaxed for the holidays but I never seem to ever remember the story's twist really when I decide to tell someone about it.

My Christmas box. I think it is the most interested I have ever been in anything even vaguely related to Christmas. The random thought inception when I was first browsing in a shop running an errand for mum, thereafter mentally rethinking the various facets and finally going back to the shop the next day to finally make my pick. But before that, this night shall be spent making a Christmas card to add to the personal touch.

Th next day at the shop, picking out the right one from all the ones that are exactly the same is quite a task in itself. Looking for flaws, colour combinations, and simply keeping in mind the possible thoughts of the recipient, quite a mind-balancing task I would say. Even picking the gift wrap should be symbolic of something.

I'm all ready to go to the post office and then I catch a glimpse of this card with a very nice envelope. Then I realise that the rest of the card my be used to decorate the envelope. I must say, I desperately miss my stationary collection. But the icing on the cake is the next greeting card I find to cut up!

All in all, I hope it was worth the 1 and a half hour wait in that long line at the post office. ;)

On another note, yet another kid from my colony is getting married. I remember playing with these guys in the evenings in the 5th and 6th standard. Cycling in the compound, playing this game called 'Arty-Party' (till now I still don' know why that game was called that). Oh, while we are on this topic, when I was a kid I made a new game and called it snakes! Something to do with a box with many lines and a person who was supposed to catch everyone within the outer box area while only moving along the lines. Here I shall take the liberty to say, in my opinion, I have always been very innovative especially when it comes down to new products for an even active market.

Anyhow, as I was saying, 2 kids in my colony are getting married, and I think they both barely graduated when I was in 2nd year. Now I am in 4th year, guess I'll get married when other people who are now in 1st reach their 4th year! :S

Tomorrow onward, my online time shall be very scarce, I absolutely dislike Goa.

love n luck

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