Friday, March 16, 2012

ze blur

well you caught me in a good mood so your going to get a good version of this this story. for those who kno, blur was my private blog for all practical means of putting it... it had my thoughts, my ambitions and aspirations, my inspirations and hopes and dreams and this was my world. MY WORLD. no one knew of it. no one knew what was in it. it was just me, myself and i! while my blog was my vent, blur was the window to my soul!

but then in time i found reasons to not need a vent and further down the line the same reason now had a personalized door and footpath so the window became quite similarly unnecessary too. all in all, my posts started dwindling and my entries started never appearing and i thought i had it all figured out and the world spun calmly about its axis and i thought it was safe to venture out in to untamed waters, there amidst the scenic beauty of the world, blur disappeared with the harsh undercurrents in a moment so quick that you couldn even offer your life in sacrifice to the gods of the tempest. and who would have thought that that is the price you pay for underestimating the smoothness of the frost of each wave, and their time and tide and it's space and illusion.

its taken me quite a while to get here from where i started out from and from where i reached to where life takes me everyday. but the leaves these days seem like something to hold on to and preserve amongst other foliage and bindings. these days each idea takes me somewhere in time though the question is, is it worth getting back to where you started of from when your all done and dry?

love n luck

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