Friday, November 14, 2008

ze spontaniety

wel this is beginnin to happen lik jus way toooooo often of late..... studyin at end point.... omg lik as though thats d ideal study location... consider goin all d way to end point to study n startin off in dat direction from the library.... dee tee... dee tee.... dee tee.....

n d spontaniety wit which my mind has been comin up wit spontaneous, impulsive, spontaneous, spur of the moment, spontaneous, stuff deses days is lik way outta dis world.... unimaginable.... beyond physically possible or anything.... oh n d high u get from it is lik wooaaaaaahhhhh...... man its lik bein on some way too amazin kinda steroids or somethin..... its jus some feelin..... totally doped..... paradise city....

some feelin.... some sense of not wantin to feel nethin else other than this ever again.... n to think that jus a few days earlier life was an oxymoron to what sensation is runnin thru the fluid in my nerves..... the height of irony is an understatement.... wtf

love n luck


The Shade said...

Remember.. spontaneous combustion... not caustic embrittlement...

E said...

i'll tell you how i study.

1-> create an impression that you're all smart and stuff. do it so well that even your teachers believe it.

2-> When you have to study, sit around in college and chat up some random chick/stud right in front of the rest of your class who are like studying like crazy!

3-> if you think you'll flunk, you won't because the marks to pass will appear from somewhere.
tis that simple!


how did we reach th whole passin tips thing??? sounds all impressiv n all but i without tryin to hard tend to screw up th first point itself so ya..... a lil worthless then i guess...