Sunday, November 23, 2008

ze chem

tada tada tada tada..... it's over.... i am now complete.... n hopefully no back in it either which means no re-exam as anticipated.... which means long nice christmas vacation... which means i can do n actually EXECUTE all plans made way in advance.... n as u kno plans never come thru but thats why hope came about i guess.....

n linux workin amazin so that another good thing.... n ppl u don expect to in a thousand years call n text u..... n everythin you hoped would happen but u seriously doubted is happenin.... n there is still alot more which is lyin in wait.... pendin.... hopin for that blue moon..... which you know has to make it here as soon as possible before you probably lose your right to very survival...... aslo read end sem exams..... yes only 2 of the dreaded are done with.... somethin

oh n its just somethin else to see the sun rise from behind a mountain range.... marvellous is not even .00000000001% of a suitable discription..... n it not even something a camera can preserve........ whoa the mind's eye....

welcome to wherever you are

love n luck

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