Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ze return

Reach home n am pretty much on top of the world to be there… reach back here an am on top of the world to be here… its like 2 different not parallel lives...

any way it was a nice change…. The characteristics of home wer inviting… totally something to return to… especially after 3 months… unplanned… spontaneous… implusive… 2hours prescheduled… mayb impromptu is nice… no one was expectin me ther… din tell anyone I was comin… just landed there… totally not anticipated…

But the usual citings… attributed only to few places is something to return to… the typical district lingo… furthermore the typical suburban lingo… the typical area lingo… the exact words which I was so familiar with once upon a time… no I don’t exactly wish to b back tho I appreciate highly the quality of deep memories…

Then the surroundings… the porche… random audis… bmws… the 7th series after ages… mercs… coupes… J … missed the volkwagen… L … the random actors… shah rukh… salman… Katrina… amitabh… shoppin… the usual… random people with pink hair... a lil futher a few guys with long red braided hair almost lik dread locks... ppl I totally din expect ta meet… but glad I did… a friend hu almost killed himself… so me not all that much of a stranger to suicide anymore… a stranger to a certain extent to the place I reign from tho… a stranger… a mere visitor… a guest…

love n luck

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