Saturday, November 22, 2008

ze musings

pucntuality is a virtue of the bored... but y would anyone wanna be punctual if their bored.... cuz usually everyone else, the sane lot of us atleast are never really on time so what would a bored person reach early n do... he'll stil have to entertain himself.... it stil sounds nice tho.... punctuality is a virtue of the bored... but pretty ironic also is how im always late yet pretty bored too....

The Problem of Apollonius is a challenge in Euclidean plane geometry to construct circles that are tangent to three given circles in a plane. Apollonius of Perga posed and solved this famous problem in his work Επαφαι ("Tangencies"); this work has been lost, but a 4th-century report of his results by Pappus of Alexandria has survived.

i wonder y dis highly reputed institution (hahaha) i tend to like many other ppl around me, call a college, cannot seem to figure out how ever hard they try or mayb due to the lack of trying at all.... they can never seem to understand that mayb... jus mayb there is more to chemistry then possibly random muggin crap mayb for jus the heck of it all.... or probably... the entire chemistry faculty consists of highly intellectual yet sadistic unterristrial loony beings that are the evolved forms of komodo dragons who have travelled back in space and time tryin hard to find the Philosopher's Stone which is their only hope of survival on the new solar system they are creatin in which ppl walk on the water and blow with the breeze.... ye shall ponder this now...

and yes... you know enough for any exam.... believe that.... i think i always did... sub consciously atleast.... mayb thats why it doesn really strike me that i have lik an exam til within 3hrs of the before it actually dawns on me but stil not enough for me to atleast then make constructive use of my time.... but that could also lik be credited to the great genoius of me who knows enough for any exam....

oh and the connecte/or can never lose its charm whatsoever.... the far far away mountains in the distance especially when u think u can jus reach out and touch them.... the gold tinge on the horizon glistening in the sea.... the breeze blowing thru your hair... the occasional rare unsuspectin inspirational eagle... the faint trace of a few chords followed by the lyrics to that songs you know which deep down means oh so much.... the feeling.... yes that very feelin that every other thing in this world is just right n perfect to the best of its ability.... the hope that your life would jus pass u by like that n you could still just stand and gaze deep into the soul of the universe where your heart has finally leapt for freedom no longer a prisoner to its squirrel cage of an existence.... and it is happy it can finally speak the language of the world....

hanging by a moment

love n luck

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