Sunday, November 30, 2008

ze math

well for one it really gets to your brain.... whether it makes u so sick that u dont even want to eat chocolate.... keepin in mind that chocolate is one of your favourite food stuffs.... or it makes you think that the aforementioned under the weather guy... GUY... is going into labour.... or if it makes you artistically design nail polished well ya nails obviously.... or it also seems to make you watch th same movie over n over again with its sequel.... yes bottomline math does wierd.... sorry wierd is an understatement.... but yes wierd stuff to your brains....

oh n some points to remember:
never swirl pen drives in the air.... especially 4 gigs drives that aren yours
dont go to drop off your sis when over 54.12 of her class is there to see her off cuz she might not say bye to you.... n there is a possibility that she might not even realise your there
cats are real real fast... reflexes at least.... they can lash out n eat a scamperin lizard off the wall
time passes faster than u think it does.... n than u actually try realizin
almost everyone recollects figurin out the previous point
math royally screws with your brain.... it mothers your happiness big time...
do not randomly start talkin about jeans in public areas where there are lots of ppl wearin em as then you tend to stare... not just stare stare.... stare at the jeans... like the
stop and stare
you think you're moving but u go nowhere....

love n luck

PS: humble apology for the sudden influx of nicolas flamel... as per choice over look completely or as you wish... you obviously are going to do that but reading in parts is what i strongly advise... Sorry


The Shade said...

hear hear... brain... royally screwed.. mothered beyond imagination... beyond recovery.. and whos the weather guy???


under the weather..... a phrase for being ill.... idiot.... what wer u doin before english paper?

The Shade said...

mostly sleeping.. not to mention wasting time with u :P


oh ya forgot to add contact nos for ppl whu was time management classes from us..... wil include sometime