Wednesday, November 26, 2008

ze blasts

i wanna go the places i am from....
i wanna be der... this might not b the best time to be there but evenn if it is the last time il ever walk this land i wanna be there

i do kno what in the effin world im doin here miles away from everything that is goin on that is actually takin up alot of prime time tv space.... dis is not where im supposed to be.... almost oblivious to my world... the world im from.... n everything in it...... i wanna go home.... i wanna go home.....

i wanna go to college... to Xavier's.... to VT station... to Leopold's (had my effin farewell praty der n i wanna go back now)..... to Taj..... take me home

this is lik seriously getting to me now..... i don WAN to be here at all.... not at all... i hate this place compared to how much i love Bombay..... n to consider i wouldn even have realized dat if i wasn here in d first place but i don wanna b here anymore......

home is wer d heart is..... my heart is definitely der.... i can feel it being ripped apart..... pls pls.... let me go.... i NEED to be there...... let go....

*teardrops consuming d seven islands of Bombay.... submerging dem... global warming not required..... the place wont last til then*

late goodbye

love n luck


E said...

this i going from bad to worse.

i was almost pissing in my pants when i heard that the very train i take to get back home on a daily basis from Dadar blew up.

now the streets are not safe. tomorrow maybe whole buildings will blow up.

sometime down the line a tri nation series will consist of christians, hindus and muslims.

where are we headed?


a train blew up too??? din kno dat... i love Bombay trains..... i Bombay but i also have lik a major soft corner for it's local trains kinda thing.....

tri nation series??? there's lik gotta b a nation left firstly

E said...

the trains blew up on 7/11. the ghatkopar bus incident was there too.

all of it is frightening. can't feel safe here anymore