Wednesday, November 19, 2008

ze aatman

so we finally decided to make that long pendin decision.... helped gettin it out of the system jus before end sems startin d day after tomo... i guess even if global warmin major effects started today in the most on the spur of the moment disastrous way ever it would still seem meek n mild compared to the stupid unsound end sems which serve no sane purpose whatsoever.....
n everyone was in wierd moods whatsoever.... some wonderin about random not possible mistakes... other shiftin residence completely abruptly.... then the silent treatment.... n also a few bouts of violence, yes i was at the receivin end of that..... then ppl goin broke... n aatman... music.... din sound d same yday whatsoever.... it totally din seem lik d same person.... the collection was somethin else totally mayb expcept d few usuals.... urvashi... roadhouse blues.. psp12.... other than that............. bwuauey....!!!

love n luck


The Shade said...

maiden!! u forgot maiden!!

E said...

yes, i heard these words of wisdom from someone before my very first engineering exam. :
my preparation for today consisted of twenty five minutes of heavy metal, thirteen minutes of iron maiden and twelve minutes of Cannibal Corpse."

i have listened to maiden before every exam and never flunked. god help those who don't!


iron maiden..... exam... maiden... oh ya dance of death!!! irony... exam maiden