Friday, September 5, 2014

ze uncanny laughter - I

I never asked for this
But I knew it was coming.
Could have run a mile,
Yet always be running.
Glancing over my shoulder,
As each day got older,
Buying time by the minute,
Trying hard to find anything in it.

Staying still I keep moving,
Into depths unsheathing.
Wailing in the distances
And shadows drawing near.
I stand alone in the abyss,
With nothingness for company,
Loneliness entrenches.
My heart sinks lower and vanishes.

Then I hit a stone,
Running through an open gate.
Surrounded, entrapped,
I stumble on further, prostrate before my fate.
And I look around besides me,
The same shallow spaces engulf.
But there's a certain sense of peacefulness,
A narrow smile and sign of love.

Tired, yet rested,
I bow before thee now.
All this distance in vain,
I succumb, to this pain.

love n luck

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