Monday, December 16, 2013

ze other time

Dear All,

Today is my last day at ITC.

In past 2 years, I was fortunate to work in the Sun Care domain while we were still quite new to it and so I have managed to learn a lot from multiple domains or so I'd like to believe. I was once told that if at any given time you are not feeling like an idiot or like a genius, you are not doing it right. I am very glad that I have felt this enthusiasm throughout my time at ITC and this being my first job it has shown me a very bright future to look forward to. What I would miss the most though would be the various interactions I have had with so many different kinds of people and exchange of ideas that often followed. All of this has now lead me to my decision to pursue further studies and I am leaving for the same hoping we will once again cross paths in the future.

Thank you all for your time and support.

You can connect with me on d** and if an email ID is too hard to remember, I'm sure it wouldn't be to hard to find me on Facebook as well if you spell my name right!

Love and luck

Sunday, December 15, 2013

ze fish

Plans working out is a concept that is very new to me. Being happy constantly rotates along the same angles as well. So effectively, anything and everything seems to be  working out just fine these days. My patent came through, my farewell was very heartfelt and meaningful, my weekend plans turned out just the way I wanted them to, I got all updates I wanted even before I asked for them. In a way, I could say I now know what it is to be content. And it seems to be never ending. So I guess I'm just going to lie back and relax and enjoy it while it lasts because the emotions are so intense I couldn't begin to describe them!

love n luck

Sunday, December 8, 2013

ze resignation

It's my last week at ITC! Just about the time when I started to settle in this side I had reason to move away and try to fit in somewhere I would have even less in common. I came here wanting to turn back and run as fast as my heels could carry me and now I'm starting to feel like I'm going to miss this place after all. The work was just brilliant and the interactions even better. I learned a lot... That was the idea! I could go on and on but all I'm really thinking is that I'm glad I stayed! Just that decision changed 2 years of my life completely and I wouldn't have it any other way!

So, I'll be back again. Someday, someway... If at anytime you are not feeling like a genius or extremely stupid, you're not doing it right!

love n luck

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ze goa

I always noticed I don't do quite well in Goa. The place ticks me off like none other. I don't tend to lose my mind much when family is around but it's the best I've managed to pull off so far. There is one thing though that never occurred to me whenever I wondered why this was. Effectively the answer was always the usual, it's pretty much home so there's no intrigue anymore. But today I realized that it really isn't that. Well the fact is... I find it very unsafe. It's the place I'm most unsure of myself. I doubt the people, I fear the food, and leave the beach as soon as I notice the sun starting to descend. I'd never want to ride on the beach roads and I never want to argue to reduce highly inflated prices. I'm scared, and I don't want to explain this fear to everyone eagerly looking forward to a trip and so I don't Go Goa!

love n luck

Monday, December 2, 2013

ze smoothie

I haven't been writing. And if I have written anything at all, well it's not been anything worth reading really. Maybe because there are not many emotional turmoils or unavailable people to talk to both... And things seem to be really going smooth. It's always a nice feeling to overcome friction and slide past but it's a lot of fun to run down the side of a hill as well. But the thing with that is that behind everything there is a little fear that well you might trio and fall and come rolling down. You'll probably reach in one piece but not without getting beaten up oh quite a bit.

I think I'm done with my Spain shopping. And all in under an hour. It's like everything there was designed for me and it just existed for this sole purpose. This now is starting to feel just a little too smooth, I wonder if the fear should come on over already...

love n luck