Tuesday, June 9, 2009

ze symphony, part II substitute aka 'ze view'

Windows are the doors to your soul is it... well my windows don't reflect the outside world anymore, they shine my face back to me. Not the trees, the cars, the moon very rarely but occasionally or the stillness of the night. I miss that. I wonder what christmas will look like.

I used to adore sleeping on the couch in the hall looking through the window at whatsoever was visible. Also lving in Bombay it is a little difficult to live life simple. Well guess that just proves itself. Yes we have got anti-reflection coat6ing on our windows so that the heat of the sun doesn't screw us right over. Its amazing considering we have lived here since the start of the millennium and about a decade later even though no one has died of the heat ever since we have decided that we need anti-reflection coating on our windows. So now everytime I look at the window it either reminds me about how depressed im feeling or how undressed I looked. And usually I would not care a damn. But when things are shoved in your face every waking hour it tends to get a bit annoying. I hope at least it loses its effect when the light goes of. Everything stops shinning. The facade has to come off sometime. The mask has to fall to the floor. Will we ever be the same again? What we used to be a little while ago when we had everything all nicely and neatly planned and figured out, is it all lost, childhood memories? What will make us happy?

Ps. I dont sleep on the couch in the hall anymore. I've been shifted to the bedroom which for the record is a tiny bit bigger than my hostel room and has 1 bed extra comparatively.

Love n luck