Friday, June 5, 2009

ze chance or circumstance

*Chance or circumstance

Yes I really wonder how I managed to fit the two words together in a sentence. And they sound frickin’ amazing together too. Alliteration it is. Yeah just a ‘c’ but still. Yet chance OR circumstance when you say, doesn’t it seem like you are leaving room for nothing else? Isn’t everything in life finally summed up very accurately either by chance or circumstance. Whether you miss a train or manage to make it in the nick of time, I suppose is totally credited to chance, however the very fact that you have to take the train and do not have a chartered flight service at your beck and call, isn’t that circumstance. True that argument may be made that it is also ones personal choice, or the experience that one is looking forward too. Well that is chance and circumstance too. It is chance that you were born into circumstance which has caused you the prior experience that you now look forward too because of a sudden newly acquired freedom.

So when I say that Bombay or Manipal ultimately win over the other by chance or circumstance, and if chance and circumstance is all that there is to the world, yes, I agree through a very narrow minded futile attempt at trying to sum up the complex working of the universe in two words, I could have concluded the sentence at Manipal itself. But maybe there is a reason, an underlying motive to why I decided to stretch it for a few more words. And probably the reason is hope. Aspiration! The prospect of the galaxy being expounded in more than 2 words which have the same end 4 letters! That life and death and everything in the middle is not just a mere rut. The impetus to make you reach for more. The stimulus to drive you further. The impulse.

Could I be the push that makes you move?
-This is not the aforementioned continuation.

Love n luck


The Shade said...

"I am the push that makes you move."
-Surfacing, Slipknot

y do u want to compare the two places... most of these are plainly desicions... u try n enjoy the best of Manipal when youre in Manipal, and the same for bombay... they ain two parallel lives, however much u want to believe they are...

E said...

whole words? wow!


thank you for adding the credits i personally didn't want to... and i think u replied to the wrong post... i think it's more of a comment for 'ze symphony'

yeah occasionally, depending on how much the post means to me... i tend to make it have a more serious underlying tone in a very subtle way.. this hope to be achieved by the lack of very casual, in your words, 'sms lingo'