Saturday, October 25, 2008

ze almost

so how habitually or seldom do you actually formulate strategies to be some place somewhere some time n to top it up u actually get there when you ought to be there...... yup i know rarely ya..... totally been there done that kinda thing..... well now consider this....
plans made exactly 7 days... 23 hrs... 48mins... 56secs in advance to retreat to our almost official saturday night refuge sanctuary... whats the problem... well nothin.... does it seem like there is one... i doubt.... plan in action... plan carried out.... we reach where we have to be... a lil later then when we have to be but stil... unavoidable delay....
the place at its best... music... crowd... ambience... ppl... stuf... other stuff... expected stuff... jus stuf... BBBBBBBUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTT... yes here it comes... WE LEAVE WITHIN 19 mins!!!!! wern v to almost spend our almost entire night there!!!!

and thats not all...... here is where the parallel universe comes into play... a bus to catch at 20hrs... 30 past... which ultimately arrives more than 33 past 21hrs.... boards til 12 mins later.... traverses for 9 more minutes... breaks down.... and is operational only 14 minutes short of 3 hours since it was originally to depart.... yes it was almost always almost what we wer to do...

so it was almost a night to be remembered,
yet still almost destroyed,
nonetheless... almost just almost,
and incontestably my almost perfect
in an eternity

love n luck


E said...

that's life, unpredictable

The Shade said...

i wonder how inevitable that delay was.. :P plus.. this is gonna become habitual :D


here we talkin about my emergency delay??
your ur unplanned unavoidable journey delay??
our dt delay??
btw... for the record am glad we met ul n think cuz of d delay... doesn matter which delay really... thankful for the sugama one i guess and so for the rest