Tuesday, October 28, 2008

ze marks


consider the probability of an exam tomorrow.... the condition in consideration here is the subject of the paper bein engg mech but still.... so wut happens d day before the paper.... unbelievable but still, here goes....

today... as in dat day.... engg mech due tomorrow.... 1 paper in d mornin n 1 paper in the evenin dat day so cant study for mech.... thereafter we rantin n ravin about our horribly screwed up basic elec tech paper.... yup it was beyond disastrous.... the need of the hour then was to convince people on the verge of commitin suicide dat the paper probably wasn all that catastrophic or devastatin.... and mayb ther was as invisible light at the end of the never endin......... never terminatin..... never ceasin tunnel...... so dat kinda took up my sleep time.....

talkin about my sleep time.... it goes way out of normal... sane... sound behaviour.... it includes study from 12 til 6:47 am then sleep til 07:23... attend the paper... return by 09:53.... sleep by about 10:23 til lunch... come back study for next paper due at 30 mins post 17hrs.... return... sleep by 49 mins post 18hrs.... get up at about 20:37 for The Walk..... come back by 11: 30... walk up n down the hostel corridors doin random god knows what..... n then we eventually reach 00:00......

any way... that day i missed my sleep...... so a lil uneasy that night durin The Walk..... a lil irritated..... weird n stuff..... n moreover din kno a thin for exam the next day... met bombay friend who was goin to Bangalore..... a lil envy there..... addin to the distress..... reached the room to see the only person there miles away in her contented blissful ecstatic dream world...... the only thing u can think of then is sleep. but there is also an exam the next day for which i kno nil.... yup zilch... so i try my best to put in as much as i can n den i realise.... its 7 in d mornin n iv been asleep since 01:38 somethin.....

i slept the whole night... usually wud die to sleep the whole night but here circumstances do not really permit.... n sleepin in the night is not typical of me cuz i can only study with least amount of disturbance tributed to my amazin lack of concentration anyone who knows me will vouch for.... n dat night someone sleepin before was disturbin me too...... so technically.... d amount studied.... for am exam which makes a difference is pretty much negligible....
but........................... we can credit the 82.5% secured in the exam to the great ever reignin genius of me!!!!!!!!! yyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

another unusual thing when it comes to marks..... my engg chem paper marks got withheld... withheld.... this never happened before so ya completely new..... never had as much as a quarter mark deducted from my paper really so withheld is amusin me... cant stop laughin my guts out about it..... it just simply hilarious.....

so 2 opposing marks related ideas in 1 day..... whoa... what a day!!!

tho wut can beat a dee tee close to a day.... ya man n dats the way we do it!!!

love n luck

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