Sunday, October 26, 2008

ze balls to love??

i promise you *ill-fated soul's name* to take thee to be my lawfully wedded wife, to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health..*unkept promoses*.. all the days of my life....

til now i always thought the above stated was one of the few toughest things in the world for any sane, rational homo sapien to even consider sayin until someone jus mentioned that they wanted to know if a girl had d balls (i love the irony) to say that she didn love him.... a girl had d balls... n furthermore.... the courage to say that she DIDN love him.... 3 simple words.... Dont love you... who ever thoght that would be difficult... its lik say you wan strawberry icecream.... or say see you tomorrow or some crap lik dat...... n now d background music from someones lap top says love will find a way...... fate has timin.....

btw in my opinion... love is a very exceedingly tremendously highly exxagerated subject... technically i think its very simple its just people who tend to hype the subject over n beyond its due.... i know even yes no questions can be difficult.... n technically i cant make simple decisions myself but still.... lik don think sayin i love you or i don is all that much of a big deal..... n if someone says it to you and you still reelin flabbergasted from the shock... a lil confused perplexed bemused befuddled puzzled me to ye rescue

just say thank you
refer OC season 1... the new year episode...

love n luck

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