Monday, April 30, 2012

ze unforgotten

My life dream as a kid was to make an igloo. I could just never ever get the logic of its structure. I could try to comprehend and maybe even understand it a little but I always always wanted to try it out for myself to know I actually got it. And the only thing holding me back was my extreme aversion to cold temperatures. I even just burnt my finger today with ice :S

Well I forgot all about my igloo constructing ideas till i saw a picture today! And it got me wondering like man!!... How do you land up forgetting such things that once meant so much to you?! Well my similar dream at the moment is to crash weddings and work at a fast food chain. I think the underlying idea between the both of them is good food though the wedding I am guessing would also have bonus dance time.

I don't know what other dreams I've had maybe just a day ago and forgotten, but if you think about it career wise, I've always wanted to be a scientist and a doctorate and apparently those go together these days. Technically I already am a scientist and I need to see about the doctorate part. I also wanted to be a zoologist and an archaeologist but I think those will be cut off my list. A photographer, well i think that was done with in Indonesia, the pictures of which I do not have any longer which is why I figured it is not a very rewarding hobby.

These days it's about entrepreneurship and passion and change. My favourites. Put together, I want to be a politician. I saw something just the other day which got me thinking... It was a picture which said in today's world we got smart technology and smart applications and smart phones but why don't we have smart education? In my opinion, the only way I can change that is by becoming a politician. Someday!

Love n luck

Ps. "Man!... How do you land up forgetting such things that once meant so much to you?" -Surprised and a very confused me.
"You end up wanting other things." -Vineet Kumar, sometimes the wisest person I know!


Ppps. Someday soon!

Monday, April 23, 2012

ze ... :S

They always said follow your dream. And I always thought they were right! But now it seems like the closest it has ever been for me to actually take a decision in the direction of following my dream but I am confused. Though the funnier part is what I am confused about and that is not whether I actually should follow my dream or not but in stead the question lies in which dream should I follow.

In school a girl looked at my handwriting and couldn't read it. It was very legible, or so I thought, but she couldn't read it! She told me I'd become a doctor, I told her that I might never do MBBS, but I'll definitely do a post doctorate if all went as planned. This was the plan, and this is the time to implement, and suddenly this doesn't seem like the ideal situation anymore! :S Nothing about me wants this plan to work any less than I wanted it to earlier but now it just seems a little childish especially with the restrictions I self-impose.

I love passion. Sometimes I am passion. This has been more or less dominant for quite sometime now. I guess even my dad could give you a detailed report, I bet he finds it really amusing! Usually this passion is pretty directional. Environmental, developmental, ecological. Basically everything a democracy should be. Then why not be part of that democracy. I've always believed in being the change. It's the only thing that actually seems to make sense to me. And anyone who has littered even once before and says anything positive about Singapore because it's a clean city should be punished by Singapore law (5000 lashes and 7 year imprisonment for 2 sq.ft. of unintentional vandalism).

So, as an extension of this thought I want to get in to politics because in my opinion it's your best bet to making a difference! Making a difference which might actually last more than a millisecond. I believe in the development of the population as a whole, I believe in the sustenance of an environment, I believe not in equality but in deserving reservations and head-starts to those who do not stand a chance, to the underdog! And I believe in me. It's not corruption that I am talking about here, corruption is human nature, all I want to believe in is development, people developing themselves!

And then there is the IT industry. Stress. But the world at your feet! Or so they say. :S

love n luck

Friday, April 20, 2012

ze you and me mood

I've found a new thing to be our thing! It's been so long since I've felt like this... And I'm so sure you can relate to it... It's got some of the greatest philosophies I've heard! It's got dreams and what becomes of them... Music and photography... And most of all it's got friends and family.. It's got love and affection... It's got everything that is you and me!

Come to think of it, it's quite symbolic of the first time I met you. Getting to know you, getting to know me in a new place, getting to know people that would always mean a lot to me... This and you are representative of an era I would wish would last forever... Though as it bids adieu I hope you wont because maybe... I feel like this, and you feel like this, and we have philosophies, and we have dreams and there's music and there's memories forever embedded with friends and family enveloped in all it's love and affection that is you and me...

Trust may be too much, but it's a start. You got nothing to worry about though you have everything to lose, but I'll meet you there...

Forever and Always!

Love n luck

Thursday, April 19, 2012

ze struggle

Sometimes we fight for something only to find out that when we get it our goals have been changed!

love n luck

ps. The first time I heard this sentence, and right up until now, my heart is racing like crazy... The last time it did that I was worried about my bestest friend's dad! I knew it wouldn't be much, but that was the first time someone's probable health status freaked me out!

pps. Change has always been a goal for me. And by that, 'to be the change' has meant the world to me! So as much as I thought research was my thing, which it still is, education has also meant the world to me and so has business! So right now when I have come the closest to research than I ever had before, priorities are starting to blur and merge in to each other a bit. Though surprisingly, so is perspective. And what I realized, is that hard work has always been my forte! So I'm a little unsure at the moment, but I'm thinking I've got it all figured out. And my mum seems happy with the plan... And who would know better than her?!!! I love doing what my mum says, it makes life soooooooo much easier! If only I had thought of that earlier... Kids need to grow up someday, though it's funny how kiddish I feel for being 21, or maybe it's great...

ppps. Do I need to sign off again? :P

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

ze bliss

This by far has been the best pre-sleep time ever! Who would have thought Skullcandy headphones take you to a whole knew level of music. I was talking about being with your thoughts and ideas and simply staring at the ceiling and who would have thought simple good music would make my world spin around in multiple directions at the same time. And headphones are the shit! It's like crazy noise cancellation, and you can hear every beat and every instrument and every shift in tune. It's beautiful! It's out-of-the-world beautiful. It's God-like! It's ... ... ... ... ...

love n luck

Ps. A few dedications: Ojas for the headphones, Mani for the Zune, Vine for the awesome state of mind and Nair for his great ever forgiving company! <3