Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ze song


See the streets darken by night
See the clouds turn out the light
But the steps do lead somewhere
The footprints are always there
All the dreams are here to stay
When hope has lost its way
And I'll beeeee there
You know you want me too...
You know you do!

See the mind ferment the thoughts
See the ambitions rot
But the nag doesn't resolve itself
Conscience never sleeps
And the drain is clogged again
The force unbearable when
Yet the game has begun
Alongside I shall run
You know you want me too...
You know you do!

See the white ribbon, the finish line
See the purity, tranquility, divine
But do not force the exit
Bliss ain't thy name but for someone it is
Te sun may not shine through
But the shadows might even out
And I'll wait for you, I'll wait, I'll wait, I will.
And I'll be there to cut the fall for you,
I once fell too...

love n luck

11th August, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

ze colors


The colors,
They inspire us,
They call out to us,
All to see the world differently.

The sounds,
They shout louder so we can hear them,
Yelling, one more vocal than the other,
All to hear the world differently.

Music, art, tunes, scenes,
It's never what you see or hear is it?
Do you hear me now?
Do you see?

Look deep...
A little further,
Make a wish,
Picturesque and loud,
Now let it float and develop dreams of it's own.

Just as a bottle sails the seas for centuries,
And fish swim forever,
Let it go,
If it returns, it's yours,
If it doesn't, it never was.

Determination, motivation,
Self-belief, self-confidence,
Or maybe just hope in humanity.
Do you hear me?
I love you too!

love n luck

22nd August, 2009

ze big bad world doesn’t owe you a thing

Some call it sick, I call it weak

The color drains
The faces fade
The leaves fall
Doesn’t everyone leave…?
One and all

It’s not now that it once was
There’s always a start
But maybe that isn’t the dawn that’s to come
Doesn’t’ everyone leave?
One and all

Keep on running
Keep on running
Learn to be still
Doesn’t everyone leave?
One and all

And just before the fall
One of these nights
One of these crazier days
When the wicked world is just too nefarious
And you’re just so far out of reach
I’m at home with the feeling
But why does it surprise me every time you go away

And I’ll still be here
Waiting, that’s what I do
Just wait for you.

Every time you go away
Every time you go away
Every time you go

I love you
I miss you
It’s what you taught me
I want to disappear too
That you left me illiterate to
It’s what you did to my soul

love n luck

Saturday, August 22, 2009

ze masochism

Let Her Go.

I guess it's just me being honest more than anything else, I just don't want to waste anyone's time.

It's really hard to give up things that you really want, but know that they are better left untouched and unknown.
I would give you everything if I knew how, if I had anything left to give.

I'm still just waiting to be swept off my feet.

To ler her go, ler her go
Let her fall let her fly
She wants to touch the world with her own hands
Let her go, let her go
Let her love and let her cry
If you trust her soon you both will understand
She'll come back home if you let her go

Going back and forth inside my shut up brain again
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)
Worlds apart, I'm torn apart, I'll stall up my senses
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)
Somehow through it all we've become defenseless
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)
I'm living this lie and I can't pretend
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)

And I know I'll get that feeling when we meet again
And I know I will be stronger in the end

I think I'm gonna lose my mind
'Cause I don't wanna say goodbye [x2]

Now we realize the compromises you and I
(You gotta let her go, gotta let her go)
You fell from heaven to heartbreak in the blink of an eye

Why don't you just keep it real
Let her know just how you feel
If you love her let her go, her go
When you met her it was good
You did everything you could
If you love her let her go, her go

You were her only girl
The most precious thing in her world
And I know it makes you cry
That you never got to say goodbye

You were just running out of time
To say what was on your mind
You never wanted her to leave
And mom I know it makes you grief

But why don't you celebrate the moments that you shared yeah
'Cuz now she's watching over you
It's true
And you know it too

Just let her go...
If you can't take the pain
Of a broken heart
Just let her go...

Another sleepless night
I'm still starin' at the ceiling
I can hear him fighting
With her for no good reason
Will this ever end?
Will this house be a home again?

If I had my way
I'd corner him and say
Put yourself in her position
All she needs is recognition
Love's not enough when you say it
Don't you know you've gotta mean it
Screwing up the best thing ever
Is something you'll regret forever

Another day goes by and nothing changed
He's still the same
I can hear her cryin
Thinking she's the one to blame
Will this ever end?
Will this house be a home again?

When you see love
And you don't know what it is
You might find yourself in fear
To show your heart
But when you feel is
And it's oh, so wonderful
You might find yourself in fear
To let it part, in fear to let it part

So hold her closer when she cries
Hold her closer when she feels
She needs a hand to hold
Someone who'll never let her go again
And hold him closer when he tries
To hold the tears back from his eyes
Don't say goodbye

There's so many things you should have told her
But night after night you're willing to hold her,
Just hold her tears on your shoulder.

There's so many things you should have told her
But night after night you're willing to hold her,
Just hold her tears on your shoulder.

There's so many things you should have told her
But night after night you're willing to hold her,
Just hold her tears on your shoulder.

love n luck

Friday, August 14, 2009

ze isle

There's a whole world off this island.
All it takes is one long swim

too start over.

love n luck

Thursday, August 13, 2009

ze hope

Too many good things happening
to waste a second of it.

"Someday I'll meet you on a telephone wire
Won't have to love you through a prayer
I can just touch you with my eyes
And we will talk about the world just as if we were still alive
And you will rest within my feathers
And I will take you for the keeping"

love n luck

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ze blog

someday someone is going to walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked put with anyone else

Sunday, August 9, 2009

ze signout

well... yeah read the title... its not a mistake cuz I'm referring to it yet again!!!!! yeah i wont be writing here for a lil while.... not exactly that i don wan to..... just that i feel like writing but i have nothing much to say an even if i do its like just not me.... i don exactly feel like myself anymore.... i don feel like the me i technically am and neither do i feel like the me i used to try to be..... or maybe this is the real me.... I'm not sure of that either!!!!

for now its more or less just change an ignorance..... am maybe i don feel like me too because people i used to know appear different themselves also..... maybe its just them who have changed and i feel like its me because the people i know usually tend to be a big part of me.... its like even the way i expect someone to react to something i say or do or feel or think is miles away from how they actually perceive it themselves!!!!

shit happens.... we move on yeah.... well i guess not right now at least.... I'm waiting for the void to completely set in.... for the world to entirely block itself out.... for the shadow to overwhelm yet again..... for the peaceful retreat out of reality.....

as i said.... i come in peace, i beg thee, do not block my path, do not try to hypnotize or attempt at convincing me that i have nothing to escape from.... do not be afraid, for i shall return again.... maybe mightier or just simply rested.... the sabbatical shall cease.... but til then.... allow me to walk in the valley of the shadows i do not fear but hope to embrace by the stream of hope..... everlasting.... ever living..... immortal....... fiction..............................

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ze statement

sometimes our last hope is it vibrating!

love n luck