Tuesday, July 2, 2013

ze 2nd

No, it's not the start of something new, but it does feel great to be here today. First time ever, I got up with the day on my mind. But it is a start, though not significant, it is an accomplishment, and because of that I am proud. It tool me a lot to get here. And a lot more than a lot of hard work and effort. And it was outstanding, I'm sure nothing less. Hell, it's been clarified! ;) With an example or two! And it's been trademarked as well!!! Great going I'd say. But there's something I learned, as a child I'd say. That to get an A was good, but to keep an A, well that was worth celebrating.

So same time, same place, a year from now, and a lot more effort, I hope to keep it outstanding and nothing less. No settling, no slacking, just the right bent of mind and a little embrace, I think is all that's need, to figure out the maze!

Love n luck

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