Saturday, June 29, 2013

ze yesters

It's been a while now, quite a while, and all that crosses my mind is beauty! I've been trying to find the words to explain it but they just doesn't seem to be around and they're not to be found today either. Yet it is all around me, in it's previously unknown ever engulfing nature and it's inspiring. It gets me through the day, it gets through the things I do in a day, and it gets me through these things in a way I could never have done them before! It strengthens my resolve and propels my ambition! It makes me feel untouchable in spirit and at the same time vulnerable to the essence of thought... And it gets me through things in the best way I could possibly do them!

I like perfection. I also like reality. I'm a hopeless optimist when things are most bleak, I am a pessimist when I don't like something, but besides the times that I am a realist, I'm an optimist. I guess it's the underdog feeling. But through it all, the standards I set for myself are pretty high. I like the challenge. Moreover, I like knowing it's not that difficult, it may be high, but it's rarely difficult. Or maybe that's just the optimist! ;)

So the beauty I am talking about... It's like the movie 'Limitless'. I don't really know whether it's the beauty that's making everything seem like it's falling in to place (and allowing me to disregard the things not falling in to place) or whether it's the things falling in to place that's making everything seem so beautiful. That even that, beautiful, for the lack of a better word. Not that there aren't any, but I'm liking what this one implies in its calm simplicity and three-syllabled effort.

It's not always like this. But I think it's a reward for all the patience I've been learning. :P

love n luck

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