Saturday, January 5, 2013

ze receptors

When I was a lot younger, I'd practice holding my breath and lying very still. I'd make sure I'd try my best to ensure that my eyes didn't flutter and that my chest didn't rise and fall. Perfectly still. I did this because of two reasons: In case I was ever attacked by a wild animal I could fake being dead and if I ever became an actress I presumed it would be a required skill for all the dead scenes I'd have to play in movies.

It's crazy how somethings come back to you all of a sudden after decades like as though it was just yesterday. And moreover its all pristine clear and graphic. But I never seem to remember happy moments as such, or embarrassing ones, it's just the normal ones and the sad ones! And I'm sure those are the ones that make me me!  Those are the ones that form the key synapses. And in a way, I could be a completely different person if I just shifted those by a little, rearranged them a bit but then how can we define the character of a person if it's all electrical circuits and chemistry?

I strongly believe in 'dependence of thought'. That all our actions are governed by our brain. But then why do I judge people? Why can I not accept decisions and not hold their drawbacks against them? True, dependence of thought on my part too but then the question arises - Can we really hope for a better society? Can we mold temperaments and improve belief systems? Can we play a role in overcoming ignorance? Or is our last resort Prozac and Zoloft and Marlboro and THC and LSD?

love n luck

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