Saturday, October 8, 2011

ze catastrophe

As usual, I never reach Bangalore as early as I would like to be there. It just seems so impossible that I dunno how everyone else seems to manage it with such ease. Not even a tiny hint of a clue! Besides Bangalore, I'm pretty much done here. I'm at the same place I was a little while ago and the only thing I recognize is confusion. And I cannot work with confusion. My mind is so cluttered, my day is a mess, I cant even wake up and feel good about it. My cute little tragedy. Fun-sized you could call it!

Anyway, GRE was good! Math was decent! I knew complete vocab of whatsoever they decided to ask! Life seemed just like I wanted it to be. But then again, who am I kidding.... GRE was a joke! Math was decent! Vocab was great! Verbal was 380-480!

After GRE was the best time I've ever spent in B'lore. >> Notice how I so conveniently skip forward the tragic part I've but beating myself up over for the last few days yet it's worse when it's in writing yeah, so fast forwarding, >> ! As far as i reckon, all my B'lore trips have been way better than I expect them to be! My B'lore trips in all it's entirety have been absolutely mind-blowing... And I only use this term very very literally! ;)

I don't recall whether I blogged about Bangalore before :S it has always been my favorite vacation! I always meet someone I don't know there... And that's the crazy part about it... There are soooooooooooo many people I don't know there and yet so many for that very amount of unknown people, exactly that many people I will always remember. Who would've thought? ;)

The informality. The lack of casual stuff. The sudden unexpected turn of events. The I-could-be-lost-and-I-wouldn't-even-know-it! The malls... The crosses... The blocks... The apparent circles... Phew!

The thing about B'lore... Is belonging... YOU JUST NEVER WILL!!!!!!!

It's good! It's the best you could think of in ever... It's the whore you keep coming back for... And its crazy to fall in love with someone like that! It's the best and the worst ever! She'll give you all she's got but she'll never be just yours! She'll try everything in her power to make sure you've never seen better, but even at your happiest you cant let go of the thought that you have to let go!

You've never seen her looking so lovely as she did that night,
You've never seen her looking so gorgeous as she did that night,
You've never seen her shine so bright,
You've never seen her shine so bright. She was amazing!

You have never seen that dress she's wearing,
Or the highlights in her head that catch her eyes, you have been blind.
You've never seen so many men ask her if she wanted to dance,
They're looking for a little romance, given half a chance.
You've never seen so many people want to be there by her side,
And when she turned to you and smiled, it took your breath away.
You have never had such a feeling,
Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as you did that night.

You want to dream she is dancing with you,
There's nobody here, it's just her and you,
It's where you wanna be!
But you hardly know this beauty by your side.
You'll never forget, the way she looks tonight,
The way she looks tonight,
You never will forget, the way she looks tonight!

It's confusion, it's delusion, it's Stanford! But you cant let go!

Because dinner and a movie just wont do, ever... But sometimes starters and a trailer might be your only wish tonight.

So, are you free tonight?
Please, please be.
And then maybe a little later I can say,

"Are we done yet?

'Cause I'm through!"

love n luck

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