Thursday, April 7, 2011

ze day before tomorrow


Its been a while.. Thank you for the prayers and thoughts... And when I say it's been a while, I barely even realized it's been 5 years, now that you mention it.. I think I remember the last birthday you spent with us and the farewell when you were quite upset to be leaving. But I presume, you don't think it's all that bad anymore and you probably actually like it there!
Well, I like it here too, but I don't exactly think I could say all is well with me. Been doing pretty horribly at college and barely even been going to class, and further, it doesn't seem to bother me so much, so then the situation is being taken even further lightly. No inspiration, motivation, determination, energy... At the moment, 4 years to study a course seems like its not worth completing in one sitting. Let's see how it goes and turn of events if any. Kind of a sad way to start a new year in a way but cant guarantee anything now can we so my birthday wish shall be one which cannot fail - I'll hope something works out, it always does, just how long it takes to get there is the question.

Love n luck

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