Saturday, April 30, 2011

ze 123

i am letting mum and dad down like it's the easiest thing in the world... i have shortage of attendance in one subject and so i have to stay for two months here in the summer when they would prefer having me at home and i have to redo the entire subject all over again. and it costs like 7 grand!!!!!! i have been staying out a couple of times from the hostel which also i am not supposed to be doing really. mum and dad have pretty much been giving me everything i really need and i haven't been doing much to return the favor or even minutely appreciate it. i even missed final lab exam and i have no clue what i can or am supposed to do about it but its a very very very big issue, it is the finals after all... and to top it of, as much as i would like to not keep messing up over and over and over again i somehow seem to be getting really good at it. i have never failed so miserably at anything before, and i cant even seem to get remotely on track. this is not even bad, its beyond awful... i dont submit assignments at all sometimes and the ones i do give in are late... the entire point of me being here seems pretty lost if studying is not what i am doing. and i am doing nothing else either. probably just sleep and randomly aimlessly roaming about the place.. and the lab exam i didn't give.. i am amazing at that subject, or at least i think so. i don't know what to do. i don't think anyone does. i might randomly know what the right thing to do might be but i have no clue how to do it and i keep getting farther away from it than i could possibly get to it...

tell mum i love her ok?

love n luck

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