Thursday, December 2, 2010

ze friend

The Pavement

Every step she moved,
Every breath she took...
He moved with her,
He breathed with her...

And when the night got lonely,
And when she was down...
Only he stood around,
Gazing over the wall...

He was this lurking figure,
She had a dark soul.
Her mind, her rival, her constant fight,
She needed a friend, her friend.

But he only stalked,
Stood and stared from afar.
Watching her break open,
Seeing her shatter.

Day by day went by,
Mindful explosions nearby.
Nowhere to turn to,
No place to run to.

Crashing in to all,
A thousand things a minute,
Ten thousand directions from,
All till every touch is numbingly cold.

Knowingly betrayed by an unknown traitor,
Illusion built the very foundation.
Unusual operational advantage,
Repelling attractive forces.
This tomorrow might never have started ever,
If punctuality was the key to existence,
Abused, vulnerable, naive, suave,
He was her friend, many times before.

Torn apart,
Detonated in to smithereens.
He has to go now,
He cannot stay.

The mind - A battle she can never win,
The boy - The dark shadow, lingering.
Through me, through it, through her,
Now called her shadow.

love n luck

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