Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ze storm

Its been a while… and more so since I think I stopped writing cos I would repeat somethings just so often in a day that there was no need anymore to reveal my history to the universe… guess im slacking on my typing too… it’s really been a while!
Today in fact as I was walking to class, this thought struck me. I was considering what manipal roads would be lik, the one joining kc to mit via campus store at least, so yeah I was wondering what the road would be like if they just allowed all the dead leaves and fallen flowers to just stay like that and the sweepers would pick up only the trash which some idiots decid to leave behind after being educated to quite a vast extent I would say!!!
Besides that, I was reminded today of how relationships make you miss out on a lot of things. And I had considered that thought earlier but as I wouldn’t really get down to even considering doing them I just banished those ideas.. well actually I might have landed up considering them but still the extent to which I would go wouldn be much as there is still a lot of ground work to be done. So today when someone mentioned the thought of a relationship holding me back from trying my hand at it got me thinking of whether it was true and I would actually have done more about it… I reached back to where I started initially but overall I think I wont really know till I try. And in my opinion, the sky isn’t the limit!
I cant believe I actually ran down to wish someone for their birthday just for a slice of cake… and to top it off, it didn’t even taste that great after all… it’s a really sad, however understandable a thing, that CCD cakes taste frickin horrid outside of their café! Why, why would anyone do that… the stupid idiots!
Though I think the exact thing that I cant get out off my head is the whole long distance concept… we shall now discuss it from all angles and frontiers:
Everyone needs physical contact sometime or the other whatever may be the situation, sometimes amazing conversations just aren’t enough!
Time is money. The ‘time’ you spend with each other be it on a phone, the internet, telegram… they all cost.
The time filter… as we refer to the previous point it also comes to mind that in order for us to maintain a balance of both time and money, are conversations are never complete.
The expectation factor-well we’ll just say, its still an expectation.
The other couples everywhere. And the missing. And the what ifs. And the miss some more. And the im sure we’ll be like that when we see each other next. And then how the other couples when looking for support against their single friends or ‘other-halves’ turn to you for your opinion cos technically your experienced too and then on goes the day dreaming and the reminders.
Loyalty. Open relationships. Envy and jealousy.
The break up. And everyone is so sure had they have been together, that break up just wouldn’t have happened, not for those reasons at least.

It rained today. Not for too long but after an approximate 5 and half hour lab exam with the promise of no less then 3 hrs more the next day, it rained today! And before that, the storm, well it blew leaves off roofs and twirled those on the ground 1 floor high. The dust was blinding me on the second floor!
And as I walked out of the building, and walked out into the world again, I glanced out on to the road and it was layered with yellowing leaves and fallen flowers and little cotton puffs and tiny seeds.

Guess those will be swept of tomorrow!


The Shade said...

ANOMALY!!!!!!! This is the dawn of a new age... an age without love... without luck...

ruhat said...

relationships are the anchor, they draw so much from you just so that you don't go out madly trying to do a zillion things that either you or someone thinks you should be doing. Eventually what do we get out of doing those things, just the experience; they would never translate into something physical.Relationships too drain you out but there is a chance that it will translate into things that tomorrow maybe you can touch and feel and hold. By the same yardstick long distance relationships are such a cheat for they in reality are nothing more than an imagination, just that this imagination speaks and shouts and whispers but alas doesn't give you the feeling of touch and hold. It is therefore better to experience life than to be in a long distance relationship


Long distance relationships???

What happens when you've been doing so well together that you cannot let go when you have to leave. And it in fact is the very reason you don't want to leave, but some things are just not up to you to the major extent... And in a way, you could say, life beckons!