Saturday, April 25, 2009

ze me

i am feeling that my relationship with myself, yes however crazy that may sound, is like way way way too dysfunctional... any one with ideas as to how to change that status, pls report as soon as possible.... will be very very very greatly appreciated...

there are things that are known
and there are things that are unknown
and between them there are doors.

what i would give to kno...

love n luck


E said...

you sit and you think., sit in the train and be surrounded by people, yet all alone, think there too.

think about what you say and why.

pretend that you're a third person watching what you do.

it's crazy, believe me!

Aaron said...

now this mite sound crazy but it is DOABLE n mite b nice too afterall. so ya ull require a few things:
1. one pomegrate
2. one mango tree or neother sexy tree(woteva suites u)
3. one appropriate companion n
4. most important lots of time
ya so wot u gotta do is make sum fresh pomagrate by the squeeze method(i bet u no dat, dont u now?)
while sitting/lieing under the tree with ur appropriate companion
n all u gotta do is do nothing. ya dats rite do nothing, say nothing, fall asleep comfortably n am prety sure ull get up 2 a altogether different world.

o said...

how to improve ur relationship with urself.......amputate