Monday, January 26, 2009

ze weekend kinda

general class... over crowded train... not as much as i expected, a lil lesser than tht actually but the entire thing was lik nice nice.... n relatives in goa are a lil help atleast..... free coke for one..... n a place to stay.... n that was some cheak cheak vacation kinda thin.... amazin home cooked meals, come of it, n beyond amazin acutually....... n we went to d beach but not half way as far as into d water...... n it hasn changed much in 5 years.... man it felt killer crazy to be back home.... n d house did also have everything required under d sun....... yes it was hot.. n cold... they took their chances in turn...........

definitely alot of heads movin in mega different directions.... beer kinda cheaper than water in some ways.... sussegad goa.... mit students all over d place...... a nice bike ride, pretty not long lived but nice all the same.... jus some great stuff... n ya hu ever did come up wid a problem wid trips.....l their lik d best frickin things that cudv ever happened to d world kinda... yes ppls opinions may differ but if it does i wud jus attribute it to stupidity ya........ n i shud learn konkani....

n wut happens in goa, stays in goa.... lol kartay!!! :( screwd luck those u cudn make it...

n im almost always right.... believe it or learn it d hard way....

love n luck

Friday, January 23, 2009

ze take off

n here take off also includes the entire take off of the plan in itself.... not very often that pre-made plans borderin on a sense of foolishness actually see the light of completion..... i hope im not speakin a lil too soon..... that would just be disastrous for the entire universe......

train leavin udupi at 4 n as far as i kno everyone on d face of manipal is takin d same train... by general... buyin tickets there and then... this is gonna be fun fun fun.... dis im definitely lookin forward too..... n for lik d first time in my life im havin d feelin dat goa isn all dat borin as presumed n also..... i lik bein lik non livin goa resident there.,.... mayb its a good thin im from there.... n at the moment family there is also startin to sound decently beneficial......

im lovin it..... more than McD style.....

love n luck
n happy weekend

ze exhaustion

k so these idiots finally decide that they should start havin basketball practice.... that idiot of a mallaya, frickin first year girls who apparently hav potential to play any dam thin of the face of the planet... he actually searches for people on the frickin road n calls them to learn!!! yes learn so crappy sport.....

so ya den again dey finally decide dat they shud hav practise at frickin 6 in d mornin on a day wen i hav class til 8 in d frickin evenin.... and wuts worse.... only 2 ppl turn up... of which 1 is me... which means jus me n another girl.... consider basketball is a minimum 5 player team game n usually played wid 2 teams one vs other but no v shal get up at 5 some odd in d mornin n go play wid ourselves for lack of more jobless ppl.....

so ya crappy class.... don think it needs any further explanation....

den at 2 in d afternoon dey say dat der is practise again in d evenin n dis time wid d seniors.... which is any day a better option to play but still.... y practise twice a day?? i lik it n all... but twice a day????

but luckily or unfortunately for me i happened to have workshop at d same time.... carpentry... i hav no clue which one is more tiresome dan d other..... may b u shud try it out n see.... i seriously advise......

n so i shal wake up to d darkness once again tomorrow mornin n get ready to go screw my bodily equilibrium at d court once again as t cock crows.....

den we shal bust our backsides in d train to goa standin all d way....

go goa!!!

love n luck

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

ze bizarreness

today was jus out right crazy.... i slept lik d whole of a night dan i hav slept in ages... n a lil before that i returned to d hostel way before i usually used to tend to, then i felt absolutely dirty dirty aft showerin.... as in hu does dat, ur supposed to feel all clean.... so ya aft sleepin for lik ages, i stil fall asleep in class.... dat was lik impossible.... i go to class thinkin how for d first time in a long while i might jus hear wut d guy is sayin tho in vain.....then i feasted on dal for lunch, i mean i almost hate dat dish n i enjoyed it today n d whole point of it lyin in my plate was lack of a better all bank n library work done for a while.... made sarah walk lik crazy..... used my sunglasses...... went all d way to udupi to eat cake aft anticipatin horrid stuf which was proved right.....

return n den go to sit at kmc greens absolutely randomly... one of d first ppl to enter d mess, eat n b done wid... had a fight wit d sri lankan idiot.... its been long, almost forever since iv fought wid someone.... anyone...... knock knock...

love n luck

ze old improved finale

We're not the same, dear, as we used to be.
The seasons have changed and so have we.
There was little we could say, and even less we could do
To stop the ice from getting thinner under me and you.

We bury our love in the wintery grave
A lump in the snow was all that remained.
But we stayed by its side as the days turned to weeks
And the ice kept getting thinner with every word that we'd speak.

And when spring arrived
We were taken by surprise when the floes under our feet bled into the sea
And nothing was left for you and me.

We're not the same, dear,
And it seems to me
There's nowhere we can go
With nothing underneath.
And it saddens me to say
But we both know, well, it's true
That the ice was getting thinner
Under me and you.
The ice was getting thinner
Under me and you.

love n luck

whod ever think aaron was heaven sent...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

ze painting

"You should keep on painting no matter how difficult it is, because this is all part of experience, and the more experience you have,
the better it is...
unless it kills you, and then you know you have gone too far."

~ Alice Neely

love n luck

n today wil finally prove dat i don suffer from insomnia... i hope atleast

Monday, January 19, 2009

ze suicide

"..we had to breathe forever the air of the rooms in which they killed themselves. It didn't matter in the end how old they had been, or that they were girls, but only that we had loved them, and that they hadn't heard us calling, still do not hear us, up here in the tree house, with our thinning hair and soft bellies, calling them out of those rooms where they went to be alone for all time, alone in suicide, which is deeper than death, and where we will never find the pieces to put them back together."

love n luck

ze finale

we're not the same dear it seems to me
there's nowhere we can go
nothing underneath
then it saddens me to say
what we both knew was true
that the ice was getting thinner
under me
and u
the ice was getting thinner
under me
and u

love n luck

Saturday, January 17, 2009

ze interest

So do you always have anothers best interests in mind? Are you happy for em? would you have a problem wen it comes to somethin they want, u want em not to have, ul both wont somethin only one could have, possesion, jealousy, treachery? Puzzling? Tricky? Hindrance? Obstruction? Just randomly… surprising how sometimes you seem to think that you make a difference to people some way or the other… usually for the best… atleast you hope to… everyone thinks of others… even if they try their best to appear not to… how people try so hard sometimes… and we all do sometime or the other even if just for a moment or two…

motives anyone?

love n luck

Monday, January 12, 2009

ze sleep

dis place makes me feel lik crazy crazy sleepy kinda thin..... n i lik rush back from class to sleep but i land up havin a shower instead n im not exactly the biggest fan of water really but i just keep feelin sleepy......

n since d same thin is happenin now too..... good night.......

love n luck

Saturday, January 10, 2009

ze reappearance

so my sabatical wen it comes to d blog update has ended i hope... so reappearance on 'our souls verdict' for one.... its nice to be back... thank u all hu have made dis possible..... first id lik to thank god for everything he has given me.... my parents..... yada yada..... il continue wen i do win dat nobel....... or maybe write that book...... well this is my first post of the year too..... i have reached manipal as of 6 some odd dis mornin.... the bus journey from udipi wasn as good as had expected tho.... dat idiot drove sanely.....!!

it feels nice to be back.... the stuff ur used too as it is widout changin one bit..... everything seems to be continuin from wer it left of as if der had never been a separation of any sort at all kinda thing..... lik it waited for u.... the whole place and everything wit it.... it refused to move a nanometer til we 'reappeared' voodoo-cally for me, braids et al.... yo jamaica.....

so now bmbay has been left far behind.... that was one amazin amazin holiday..... the best so far ever kinda thing.... i pretty much had d time of my life.... very little u cud ask for beyond dat...... it was good..... n i had d moon followin me all my way from der.... lik watchin over me or sometin.... it was crazy crazy bright...... made my white blouse glow.....

oh n i hav class.... workshop actually from 5-8 on a frickin friday evenin... n i hav french class 5.30-6.30..... lik wut in d world wer dey thinkin wen dey came up wid dis genius timetable.... frickin idiots..... hu does crazy shit lik dis??? frickin wierdos.... its beyond stupidity.....

love n luck

n if ur missin me.... don tink u will for a while now....