Tuesday, May 27, 2014

ze C

I was supposed to test for cancer a little less than a year ago... I am good at medical things. Usually. Like besides the fact when I was in denial about Vitamin D deficiency. Other than that, I am good with medical stuff. Which is why I refused to test for cancer. There was no reason to prove that it was true. And I couldn't bear having to take a test whose results would haunt me forever.

Now I am not sure if that was the smartest idea ever. Well, it isn't a stupid idea... But may not be the smartest. I am a little scared that I didn't do it when I should have, and that somewhere down the line it would require me to put my entire life into perspective.

The problem with perspective is that is the only time regret bites you in the ass. I usually do not regret much, or anything. I sort of strive to make sure that my decisions do not have particularly strong repercussions. Even now, I am not regretting this decision per se. The only thing I am scared of really is coincidence. If at all I do have any medical condition in the future that might probably be even vaguely linked to this, I am going to be so devastated that my whole putting life into perspective task is going to be so much more painful that I am afraid that I wouldn't be able to cope with it.

I am scared.

love n luck

Friday, May 2, 2014

ze full circle

What do you do when Coca-Cola cherry tastes exactly like Coke? You talk about how capitalism is the worst thing to happen to the world. The corporates are out to get us and scourge us for every single unforgiving penny. In the meantime, they destroy our trees and planet and create ever wider and growing economic disparities. They allow the scum of the society to gnaw on each other and force people into death and destruction. All for a Coke you ask? Well, I'm sure the answer would be that it's got to start somewhere... Though what do we do in the mean time? Make lists? Read lists? Discuss political agenda? Act like we are knowledgeably discussing political agenda...? I'm still pretending, aren't I?

I have had good raspberry soda. I have had not so good, why-have-I-been-missing-this-for-so-long raspberry soda as well. But I am very disappointed in my cherry soda. I am very disappointed with the vast amount of nonsense we take for granted. Especially after working so hard to get this far. Especially when you've given so much and it's trampled upon. Very disappointing. Yet, humanity lives to see another day, one if which if I was a dictator, I'd love to take away...

love n luck