Thursday, April 24, 2014

ze nightsky mirage

Stood on a ledge,
Seemed like we were drowning...
Not too much to keep us alive.
And we looked out far into the distance,
Crowded with dark grey skies.
But with you there besides me,
Just maybe we'd survive.

And I look towards you to touch you,
Just to feel your pretty face...
But somehow it seems you're frozen,
In a past memory I can't erase...
And I need you now besides me,
Yes, I need you on my way...
I can't walk this road without you,
Don't make me change my way.

And all these words left empty,
The hope's all washed away...
You told me you were waiting,
For me to come back someday...
But that kiss was left unfinished,
And words were left unsaid...
So it keeps the memories afloat,
Of you in my head.

So talk to me once more,
Don't leave without a trace...
I want to hold you here forever,
It's so warm in your embrace.
This isn't over yet, oh no,
This isn't the time or place.
It took us so long to get here,
Don't leave before we've met.

Come back once more, bid adieu,
A flying kiss or two,
Maybe end what we started...
Even that won't get me through.
Don't leave me here hanging,
On my knees begging you.
We both know,
I'm never forgetting you.

Yes, you aren't coming,
I know you've gone too far now...
I wait and watch unending,
But it's over for us right here.
Somehow this feels blurry,
So is the picture of you...
Somehow this feels blurry,
Somehow I never lose you.

love n luck

Ps. Happy birthday, every year I wish I could just pick up the phone and call you. I wouldn't know what to say, which is why I never do but the next time we talk, I'd plan to meet you, and see you, and drink all night, and listen to good, good music! So often I wonder why I never really took you up on this offer before, it's such a shame! Like dayyuuummmmmn! :* :* :*  

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

ze twenty 2

Maybe not anymore actually. Time zones seem to affect a lot more of what I do these days. So twenty two in some places and twenty three in others. I very clearly remember my last birthday, and I don't think I will forget that one at least even if I forget any others. Fond, fond memories :P

Nonetheless, I am looking forward to seeing how tomorrow pans out. I feel so relaxed, its a nice leisurely feeling. Also, I am much more comfortable with people singing for me the day before ;)

love n luck

Saturday, April 5, 2014

ze whirlwind

Would it actually be too much to ask if we could have just a little bit of time to spend with each other under controlled circumstances? Where we could be where we wanted to, and what we did had no consequences, and what we had had no effects on what we could be doing, and the likes. Just for a little bit. Uninterrupted, free from disturbance. As a token of affection for all the times we have spent together and trying to pick ourselves up and put broken pieces in place. Somehow, its just the worst times that we are able to see each other's face.

And I would not have any other was when it comes to this, cause I really count on you to see me through. But I think it's quite blue, that that's the only time you see me too. So I would wish it would be much better for you, you know I really do. You just never get to see the me I would like to be.

Love n luck